Friday, 18 July 2014

Final Photos from Newfoundland

I still have a few photos from our trip home to Newfoundland
that I've wanted to share, 
but they keep getting postponed.

I'm going to add them all here so that I can continue on 
with new and current photos of my rascals!

Thank you again to everyone at home
who made our visit so very special!


Watching Poppy Pope eat his cereal.
I swear she is eyeing that bowl!
I think this child would eat a Big Mac if I left it in front of her!
kinda looks like I really do feed her Big Macs!
Visiting with Aunt "Kiss-ta" at her hotel. 
Elliotte in her baby strap which was made for us by wonderful friends
in Fort McPherson when we had Piper. 
Very much enjoying a playdate cuddle with Joseph.
Joseph wearing the glasses from the medical kit that we gave to him.  
Piper was excited to hold his hand for the photo,
but Joseph was determined to get his glasses on first!
A trip to Bowering Park with all of the grandparents.
Poppy Lynch brought along some bird seed for us to feed to the ducks.
Piper love love LOVED it!
Nana Pope, however, was terrified that Piper would fall in the duck pond,
so she held on to Piper and wouldn't let go.
Still holding on...
Still holding on... 
Trying to hold on even though Piper is facing AWAY from the pond.
STILL holding on! LOL
She finally let go for Piper to sit up between her Poppies and have a snack.
(Nana was obviously much more interested in keeping her out of the pond
than keeping her hat on correctly! Ha!)
Swinging with Poppy.
First seesaw ride with Elliotte!
And a turn with Daddy!
And a trip to Dairy Queen with all of the grandparents afterwards.
Piper barely ate any of her Sundae.
We didn't figure out why until about a week later.
She told me that she wanted an ice cream that she could hold in her hand.
Aka an ice cream CONE
Ice cream with the Poppies.
Elliotte was there too.
Sadly she couldn't have any ice cream.
Next year baby girl!
And a trip home to PEI on the plane with my girlies.
Both were wonderful little travelers! 

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