Monday, 21 July 2014

Giddy Up Aunt Kiss-ta

Piper love Fisher Price Little People,
which I love because they were my favorite things to play with as a little girl!

She has lovingly named most of the ones that she has,
and will correct you if you happen to call one by the wrong name.

Not surprisingly,
the little one with the brown curly hair is called "Aunt Kissta".

Well Aunt Kissta,
I hope you still like horseback riding
because Piper took you for a ride this week!!


Giddy-up Aunt Kissta!
Needless to say, as soon as Piper rocked Butterscotch,
Aunt Kissta took quite a tumble! 
Elliotte is the only one that is allowed to play with toys at the supper table,
since she's not allowed to eat yet.
Either playing was exhausting,
or our dinner conversation was incredibly dull!
At least Sophie was getting some love!

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