Saturday, 5 July 2014

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

The good:
We all went for Cow's ice cream
on the last day of Nayson's visit.

The bad:
Piper's thumb was infected
and had gotten progressively worse for three days.
A pharmicist told us to go to a doctor 
if the infection reached her knuckle.
It was too close for Momma's comfort,
so we ended up going straight to the ER after our ice cream.

The ugly:
The thumb! 

The infected area just kept getting bigger
and it wasn't draining at all.
My neighbor, who is a nurse,
suggested going to a doctor to have it lanced.
(She offered to do it herself in the end,
which we were going to go ahead with,
but stopped by the ER and it was pretty empty.)

While waiting to see the doctor,
the thumb was still really swollen and yellow.
Then the doctor walked into the room.
Mark tried to take Piper's hand to show it to him.
Piper pulled away.
In doing so, she pulled her thumb out of Mark's hand.
The infected area broke.
The doctor took one look and said that it was good news 
that the infection was draining.
That's when we noticed that the darn thing broke IN the examining room.
No lancing needed.
Just some antibiotics and polysporin.

Back to the Good again.
The antibiotic is a mixture of two,
making it thick and gritty.
This means that we mix it into chocolate milk 
to get Piper to take it.
She thinks this is GREAT!

And the bad again:
There are only 3 days of antibiotics left to give to her.

And the ugly again:
In three days I have to try to explain to Piper
why I'm not forcing her to drink chocolate milk
three times a day.
This will get ugly.
VERY ugly!


Everyone enjoying their ice cream,
except little Elliotte.
Next summer baby girl!!!
Nayson teaching Piper how to roll down a hill.
I'll be honest,
her hill rolling skills are not much better than her soccer skills! :-)
But she had a lot of fun!!
She is honestly asleep here.
Sound to the world!
Our trip to get ice cream and see the doctor
conflicted with nap time.
As a result,
she fell asleep in the car coming home
and keep sleeping like this after I brought her into the house!
You can't really tell just how swollen it was in this photo,
plus it had already drained a lot by this point,
but it was nasty!!!

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