Sunday, 31 August 2014

Bonus Birthday

What's even better than having friends come to visit?

Having friends come to visit
who are celebrating their birthdays!!!

Both Nathan and his mommy had birthdays in the past ten days,
so we were more than excited to help them celebrate
while they were here visiting!


Piper did not complain!


I think it's funny that Elliotte is the only one looking at me.
It's probably because she's the only one not getting a piece of cake!

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Jumperoo Poo

I feel as if there is rarely a dull moment
being the mother to two little girls.

Just when I feel like we're all
settling into a quiet routine,
one of my girls likes to throw a little surprise into the mix.

Like today for example.

The morning was quiet,
so I decided to go into town to run a few errands,

With Piper fed and dressed,
I thought I would just grab Elliotte,
nurse her and then be on our way.

My plan had us out the door in 15 minutes.

Elliotte had other plans!


Piper getting ready to finger paint!
She was very focused on her picture.
Showing off her messy fingers.
And this was Miss Elliotte's surprise!!!
When I pulled her out of her jumparoo,
this is what I discovered.
Stage 1 was getting her into my room without  getting poo on myself.
Stage 2 was peeling off the onesie without getting poo in Elliotte's hair.
Stage 3 was trying to figure out how to get the diaper off
without getting poo everywhere else!
(I semi-failed on this step,
but was was clean in the end!)
Was there something on my back mom?

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Halfway Birthday

Honest to goodness!

I have no idea where the last 6 months have gone. 

Elliotte is SIX months old today.
That's halfway to her first birthday!

My baby!!!

Goodness gracious!

She was and still is an unbelievably good baby.

She loves to eat, sleep and laugh at her big sister.

She is beyond good.

She naps at least three times a day,
with one LONG nap at the same time as her big sister.
(Usually 2-3 hours!)
Thank you Elliotte!!!

The other naps are squeezed in between 
waking up and bedtime,
because those things are very tiring!

Bedtime is a dream.
Since she usually takes a little nap while I put her big sister to bed,
she wakes up around 8:15pm to start her own bedtime routine.

This includes some milk,
a clean diaper
and then her pajamas.

It takes about 20 minutes to do all of that,
then I take her in to her crib and to put her to bed. 

This last part is tricky.
Essentially you have to stuff Elliotte's left arm through the arm hold of her sleep sac
immediately after you lay her down.
This is because as soon as her back touches her mattress,
she sticks her left thumb into her mouth 
and rolls over onto her side to go to sleep.

Just like that. 


She is seriously my reward baby
after having Piper who didn't without a fight for her first year!

Little Elliotte is usually asleep before I walk out of the room...
and stays that way until 7:00 or 8:00am. 

I promise I am not telling lies.
Because, to be honest, if someone told me that their baby did this
while I was still trying to sleep train Piper,
I would have said they were lying for sure.

No baby can be that perfect.
But yes they can!!!

Miss Elliotte Paige. 
I would like to take this moment to personally 
thank you from the bottom of my heart 
for being such a wonderful sleeper.

And Piper,
thank you for giving me the experience to 
really appreciate how great a sleeper Elliotte is,
and also the ability to empathize with sleep deprived new mothers!

To both of my girls,
I thank you
and I love you!


Here's the halfway birthday girl today!
She knows it's only six more months until birthday cake!!!
Our little pork chop weighed in at 17 lbs 6 oz today!
And here is a pic of her big sister on her halfway-to-first-birthday day!
I know we all remember Piper as being so tiny
and laugh at Elliotte for being so chubby,
but would you believe that Piper had practically
caught up to Elliotte's weight by this point?
At six months,
Piper weighed in at 16 lbs. 6 oz.
Only a one pound difference from Elliotte!!
I was shocked!

Monday, 25 August 2014

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Yesterday both Mark and myself were nominated 
to complete the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.

I was happy to accept,
as I think this is a very worthy cause
and my great-uncle passed away from this dreadful disease many years ago.

Mark was less happy to accept,
but he surprised me and did it anyway!

Since Piper LOVES watching these videos with me on Facebook,
she wanted to do it too!
(She has watched her cousins Jimmy and Ben's video about 150 times!)
And she did!
What a trooper.
Just to be clear that I'm not a crazy mean mom,
I had warm water in her bucket!!

The water in her mommy and daddy's buckets,
was NOT!


Piper was a great help in making sure that there was lots of ice
in her Daddy's bucket!

The beginning of my video had to be cut off to make the file small enough for this blog.
I thanked Amanda Vink for my nomination!

Piper liked the challenge so much that she wanted to do it again.
Here we go!
She says, "Ready, mom?"
She thinks this is hilarious!

Elliotte decided not to do the challenge. 
She was busy making friends with a little beauty that she found!

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Balancing Act

While her big sister was outside
chatting with her new caterpillar friends,
Elliotte was inside sitting around with Daddy. 


Caterpillars are taking over PEI right now.
Piper thinks it's awesome,
while her mommy thinks it's creepy.
Piper named this one Jingle Bells.
And this little guy was named "Poppy C".
Cyril Pope - You should be flattered!
This little one is giddy as Daddy balances her.
She wouldn't think this was as funny as she does,
if she knew how heavy she is and how Daddy was struggling not to drop her!

Quote of the Day from Piper Cee:
As I walked into her bedroom this morning Piper stood up in her crib and said, "I gave Boots some milk from my boobies because he was crying, Mommy!"
Oh dear! AND she was rubbing her boobies as she told me this! PIPER!!! You are too much little girl. Oh how you make me laugh!

Saturday, 23 August 2014

Beautisul Dress

I have the sweetest girls in the world.

Really I do.

That's not just the mother in me talking.

My mother would say the same thing,
and we all know grandmothers aren't biased.

Today was such a great day with Piper and Elliotte.
They both had me laughing out loud
at how silly and quirky they can be.

And Piper is starting to include Elliotte in how she plays.
THIS is love!

My sweet sweet girls!


I had to take Piper's clothes off at the table tonight
because she was covered from head to toe in ice cream sandwich cake.
After she left the table,
she immediately seized the opportunity to wear her 'princess dress' instead.
Here she is saying,
"Look at my beautisul princess dress Ollie-ette"!
And then my princess Piper decided to take off her princess dress,
so that her little sister could try it on!
She's trying her dress on Elliotte.
(Not that Elliotte had a choice in the matter.)

Friday, 22 August 2014

Potty Crasher

We still haven't fully embraced the whole potty training thing just yet,
but we are taking the time to get Piper used to the idea
and her new potty.

So far she kind of likes it.

Or she likes that I let her watch tv while she sits on it?!?!

Either way,
I'm just glad she not completely opposed to the idea.

She will sit there for hours if I would let her
and she had the right entertainment.

Her little sister in her jumparoo is the next best fun
after watching a Dora episode.

Elliotte thinks it's pretty great too!


They will probably hate this photo when they are older,
but their mommy loves it!

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Daddy's a Cowboy

Sometimes I wonder about my little family.

I think we could all be a little crazy!


Daddy and Piper taking Butterscotch for a ride!
Elliotte found Piper's 'glass slipper'.
(Surprise. Surprise. The princess is forever losing it!)
What would you do with a glass slipper?
If you're Elliotte,
you eat it of course!

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Rock-a-Bye Baby Sister



Piper desperately wanted to hold her baby sister in the rocking chair!
There isn't a thing in this world that could make me happier than these two!

Monday, 18 August 2014

Soccer Stories

Piper was in a very bad mood
the day that her Active Start program handed out the soccer jerseys.
Piper absolutely refused to wear hers...

Until last week when I demonstrated my best parenting skills ever.
I bribed her with a donut!

I'm not proud of it,
but it worked
and she looked super cute in that jersey!


Reading a story to Elliotte on the way to soccer.
Aka... swinging by soccer on her way to the donut shop!
Looking too grown up!
Piper's biggest fan cheering for her on the sidelines. 
Helping her teammates put away the soccer balls.
A little baseball coaching from Luke (her favorite 'teacher'.
(I love how she swings so hard that her ponytail swings too!)

I realized tonight that I may be a little too vocal about how we spend (or rather save) money in our household. Today Piper was playing in her kitchen with her Daddy. She made a hamburger for him and delivered it on a plate. Mark asked her if she could please put some cheese on it for him. Piper's reply: "I'm sorry Daddy. Cheese is not on sale." Yikes. This tells me to spend less time scouring the weekly flyers with Piper and more time playing in her kitchen!!! 

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Summer of Visitors Part Five

Just after Mark and I moved to Fort McPherson,
I took a short trip to Tuktoyaktuk with a couple of friends. 

While there I met a lovely young couple
who were in the same boat as Mark and I.
Not yet married, no kids, new to the RCMP.

Six years have passed and we're all pretty much still in the exact same boat.
Married, two girls and seasoned RCMP officers.
They now live in Yellowknife and Christine even works at my old job at the bookstore.

It's hard not to like people who you have so much in common with!!

Needless to say,
we were thrilled to hear that they would be coming to PEI 
for a little visit and wanted to meet up for supper.

The girls had heaps of fun,
especially Piper and Kate playing "hide and sneak" together.
With there only being 5 months difference in their age,
they were completely on par with their hiding skills.

It was super fun to watch. 


Kate and Piper playing dress up with headbands and ball at the same time.
Hugs all around!
Gosh this makes me wish we didn't leave Yellowknife.
Emily taking Piper's baby stroller for a spin.
She wanted us to put Elliotte in here for her! 
Piper and Elliotte having a cuddle on Piper's "car".
(It was a swimming pool earlier today.)
Sisters having a moment.
I just put this photo in here for fun.
It was taken on Piper first birthday (obviously)!
Kate is in the background waring pink.
I can't believe how much those two have grown up since then!
Emily was born the day before this photo was taken.
I never cease to be amazed at how quickly kids grow!

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Wake Up Stories

Piper loves it when she is awake before Elliotte.

That's because it means that she gets to go and see Elliotte while she's sleeping.

If we're lucky,
Elliotte stays sleeping for a little longer after Piper's 'visit'.

A couple of mornings ago,
I accidentally left my bedroom door open.
(That's where Elliotte sleeps.)

I was making Piper's breakfast,
thinking that she was playing quietly in the front room.

When I went to get her,
she wasn't there.
(Please don't judge me!)

I check her bedroom.
No Piper.

That's when I noticed that my bedroom door was open.

This is what I found:


Elliotte happily enjoying her big sister reading stories to her!
Piper decided to choose titles from Mommy's library rather than her own.
Though I think Elliotte would prefer 'Where is Baby's Bellybutton",
she's not complaining!

Piper's vocabulary has always been spectacular, but it's not exactly on par with an adult just yet. I'm always amused when she stops and thinks about how to word what it is that she wants to say. Last night at supper was a great example. She was eating a plate of bbq ribs and rice, but knew there was a donut waiting for her for dessert. She was more than aware that if she didn't eat a decent supper, there would be no dessert, but she was very anxious to get her paws on that donut. After eating a respectable amount, she looked at me and said, "I'm all done Mommy". I asked her if she was full and she said yes. I then asked, "if you are too full to eat anymore supper, does that mean that you're too full to eat dessert?" After a few moments of serious thinking she replied, "Mommy, I'm too full to swallow anymore rice. But I can swallow a donut!" Ha. Smart kid!

Friday, 15 August 2014

Sisters Swimming

We took the girls swimming at the local pool today.

It was Elliotte's very first time in the actual swimming pool
and she loved it!

She didn't even cry when I completely dunked her underwater. 

My girls are so much fun!


Elliotte being very relaxed and enjoying a leisurely boat ride in the pool.
My girls having fun in the pool together!
These two make my world go round!!
Piper about to go down the slide.

Elliotte's first time being dunked underwater. 
Too bad Daddy stopped recording so quickly.
She didn't cry at all!

And a typical day in the life of Piper.
She's so clumsy!
At least it has made her one tough cookie!