Monday, 18 August 2014

Soccer Stories

Piper was in a very bad mood
the day that her Active Start program handed out the soccer jerseys.
Piper absolutely refused to wear hers...

Until last week when I demonstrated my best parenting skills ever.
I bribed her with a donut!

I'm not proud of it,
but it worked
and she looked super cute in that jersey!


Reading a story to Elliotte on the way to soccer.
Aka... swinging by soccer on her way to the donut shop!
Looking too grown up!
Piper's biggest fan cheering for her on the sidelines. 
Helping her teammates put away the soccer balls.
A little baseball coaching from Luke (her favorite 'teacher'.
(I love how she swings so hard that her ponytail swings too!)

I realized tonight that I may be a little too vocal about how we spend (or rather save) money in our household. Today Piper was playing in her kitchen with her Daddy. She made a hamburger for him and delivered it on a plate. Mark asked her if she could please put some cheese on it for him. Piper's reply: "I'm sorry Daddy. Cheese is not on sale." Yikes. This tells me to spend less time scouring the weekly flyers with Piper and more time playing in her kitchen!!! 

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