Thursday, 28 August 2014

Jumperoo Poo

I feel as if there is rarely a dull moment
being the mother to two little girls.

Just when I feel like we're all
settling into a quiet routine,
one of my girls likes to throw a little surprise into the mix.

Like today for example.

The morning was quiet,
so I decided to go into town to run a few errands,

With Piper fed and dressed,
I thought I would just grab Elliotte,
nurse her and then be on our way.

My plan had us out the door in 15 minutes.

Elliotte had other plans!


Piper getting ready to finger paint!
She was very focused on her picture.
Showing off her messy fingers.
And this was Miss Elliotte's surprise!!!
When I pulled her out of her jumparoo,
this is what I discovered.
Stage 1 was getting her into my room without  getting poo on myself.
Stage 2 was peeling off the onesie without getting poo in Elliotte's hair.
Stage 3 was trying to figure out how to get the diaper off
without getting poo everywhere else!
(I semi-failed on this step,
but was was clean in the end!)
Was there something on my back mom?

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