Saturday, 31 January 2015

Snow Ice Cream

When life gives you lemons,
you make lemonade.

So, when life gives you snow,
what better thing to make than snow ice cream?!

Piper agreed!

First we set our pot on the patio to catch the most important ingredient.
Our little chef is ready! Watch out Rachel Ray!
Starting off with a little sugar...
And then the milk.
Oops. Taking a quick time-out to clean up the spilled milk.
One tsp of vanilla...
And whisk!
Now it's time to retrieve the secret ingredient. Our pot is full... so is our patio and backyard!
Eight cups of the fluffy white stuff!
And who could resist adding a little cocoa?
Carefully adding the final touches!
And voila! Snow ice cream!
It's "snow" good, mom!
This little one slept through our ice cream making,
But she didn't mind.
She was too busy having a little dance party with her musical walker
to hold a grudge.

Last night was the very first night in five months that I didn't have to get out of bed to go to one (or both) of my children! Hooray! My body is in a little bit of shock still, but I'll be right as rain before too long. It will take a little time to get adjusted to not getting up every hour during the night. I'm so proud of my girls! If this keeps up, Elliotte may be ready to make the big move into her shared room with her sister before we know it! :-D

Friday, 30 January 2015

Plaid is Rad

After taking this photo today,
I realized that I really should have sported plaid myself,
just to make it that much cheesier!

I love my goofy little ladies!


When Piper can see herself on the computer screen,
it is her immediate impulse to open her mouth as wide as she can.
Her little sister thinks it's funny!

Thursday, 29 January 2015

Elliotte's Missing Swimming Snack

My girls are always hungry 
after they get out of the swimming pool.

I took these photos just after Piper and Sylvie were given their snacks,
but just before Elliotte was given hers.

I think she was a little annoyed at first,
not to have been given hers first!


You have a snack, Piper?
Can I have some?
You have a snack too, Sylvie?
Can I please have some?
Why am I the only one without a snack??
Feed me please!

Last night was the SECOND night in a row that I didn't have to get up with Miss Elliotte.
She went to bed at 8pm and didn't get up until Piper came bounding into our room at 8am. Way to go baby girl! We're so proud of you. And THANKFUL!

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Sleep and Slide

What have my girls been up to lately?

I'm so excited to say that
Piper has been having fun with some FRIENDS
Elliotte has been SLEEPING!!!!

As excited as I am to be able to get Piper out 
and socializing with outer kids her age,
I'm definitely more excited about Elliotte sleeping!

The mixture of:
~ decreasing how much food Elliotte eats,
~ weaning her to soy formula
~ and letting her cry at night
is working!

I now usually only have to get up once a night with her,
to give her a bottle,
but last night I didn't have to get up with her at all!!

I was up with her big sister,
who had a nightmare that Blue had bitten her finger. 

Oh well.

There will be a night when I don't get out of bed at all.

And it looks like it could happen sooner than later!

As for Piper meeting and playing with friends,
that has been going really great as well.

We've joined a playgroup that meets every Friday morning
at a building in Summerside. 
So far, not only are both girls enjoying it,
but their mommy is also enjoying
socializing with the other parents!
Win. Win!

We were also able to spend a great day
with Sylvie and Caitlin recently.
We went to Charlottetown and played at That Fun Place.

Elliotte stayed home and had a Daddy Daughter day,
but soon she will be big enough to come with us 
when we go there!


The little ladies had a lunch date at Swiss Chalet
before we went to the indoor gym!
(Piper just loves their soup!)
Sylvie, Caitlin and Piper sitting on the window sill.
Amazing to think that Elliotte will be as big as Caitlin
by this time next year.
We'll take another photo just like this then!
Piper and Caitlin about to tackle the double slide!
The big sisters are having a blast!
While the big girls were all being monkeys...
this little monkey was busy doing what she (is starting) to do best!

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Eleven Month Comparison

Oh my goodness.

I cannot believe that my baby is eleven months old!
What in the world?!?!?

It feels like only yesterday that I first held her in my arms. 

Time is passing much too quickly. 

In one short month my Littlest Lynch
will graduate from being defined as a 'baby'.
I will be the proud momma of a 'toddler' instead.

Holy smokes. 

Slow down time!
Slow down!


I didn't realize just how much hair baby Piper had!!
Or how fine baby Elliotte's hair is.
I think my girls would be much more similar
if they were wearing hats!

Monday, 26 January 2015

Static Sisters

Playing 'tent' with a warm fleecy blanket
on a cold winter day
does wonders for a little girl's hair!


Static cling!
WHAT is going on with our hair mommy?
Elliotte thinks her sister is a punk rocker here!

Sunday, 25 January 2015

Handy Helpers

Piper "helping" Wes eat his fries!

And Miss Elliotte "helping" mommy with the laundry.
This clothes was all folded in the basket.

Friday, 23 January 2015

Snagle Tooth

Our littlest munchkin has a snagle tooth!

With only one of her top teeth cut through,
Elliotte looks super silly with her one tooth poking down. 

Silly, but still our adorable happy little baby!


Snagle tooth!

This is how I got her laughing, so that I could catch a photo of that snagle tooth.
She's talking to Nana and she is always funny!

With one little baby growing up, Piper has taken to coddling her own little baby.
She takes better care of this little monkey than many people take care of their kids!

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Operation: Wean Elliotte Paige

With Elliotte's first birthday fast approaching,
"Operation: Wean Elliotte Paige"
has been set in motion!

Though I vowed to nurse both of my children
for the first year of their lives,
I had no idea how much sacrifice that would involve on my part.
With both of them.

Piper of course,
was mostly difficult in the beginning,
due to her being born at 35 weeks
and not being quite developed enough
to master the art of nursing right away.

By the time she was three months old,
we had both figured it all out
and it was smooth sailing from then until she turned one.

My rule is:
If you're old enough to eat your own birthday cake,
then you're old enough to drink milk from a cup with it!

So, not long after Piper's first birthday,
she was fully weaned.

I promised Elliotte that I would give her
the same nutritional benefits as her sister
for the same amount of time.

It all started off much easier with Elliotte,
thanks to her being full term,
but that all changed a few months ago.

It changed when doctors and nurses became concerned with Elliotte's poops,
and started investigating the source.

I spent more than two months on a dairy-free diet,
(not as easy as you might think).
If it was as easy as cutting out milk, cheese, yogurt and butter,
it all would have been fine.

But no.
Dairy seems to be in EVERYTHING!
I felt as if I was restricted to a specific brand of bread,
fruits, vegetables and nuts.

It was difficult!

But that was nothing compared to having to give up sleep 
when Elliotte turned six months old!

for the past four months,
my longest stretch of sleep has been 1.5 hours.
(That's a lie. 
I can think of two occasions when I slept for 2 straight hours!
But it's was so rare I don't think it really counts.)

With the help of a wonderful doctor
and later a wonderful pediatrician,
we have finally started to have some improvements on the sleep front.

It all surrounds Elliotte's diet and digestion.

We are still limiting dairy for our sweet girl,
but slowly we will keep introducing and reintroducing it to her
in hopes that soon she will have outgrown any sensitivities.

Due to that,
and the fact that the pediatrician believes that our little pork chop
has been filling up on too much 'solid food'
and not enough liquid food,
we have begun the weaning process a little early.

(I knew that she loved to eat,
but didn't realize that her eating so much
could actually be the reason behind her lack of sleep.)

I've been told a million times that most kids sleep better 
once they start eating solids,
but apparently not always.
Especially not if they decide to eat so much
that they don't nurse as much later.

This was practically impossible to judge or measure,
so it's not 100% sure that it's the reason for the sleep interruptions,
but it's very possible.

Either way, the process has begun 
and it's going very well.

Elliotte is now loving her Soy Formula
(like I say, avoiding dairy still),
and will actually grab her bottle out of my hand
when she sees it.

Once we get our wee one fully transitioned,
then it will be time for birthday cake
and for us to start the introduction of cows milk.

Wish us luck.

I'm not so sure it will be as much fun
if we have to dunk some sort of dairy-free cookies
in soy milk.

No way.

We want Oreos and cows milk!!!


I think I'll just feed myself, mom!
Finding out the hard way that you can't use the bottle's nipple
like a straw.
She did try very hard though!
Still self feeding!
Independent little thing.
Trying the straw method again, but still no luck.
She won't let her mother hold her bottle,
but she  is more than happy to have the help of her big sister.
Look at her cheeks and how hard she's sucking. lol
(These were just empty bottles that the girls were playing with.)
Thanks for teaching me how to hold it, Piper.
You're the best teacher ever!

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

A Great Day for a Birthday

Today is a wonderful wonderful day.

An exraordinary day!

Most definitely a day to celebrate.

Here's why:

1. Today is Aunt Krista's birthday. We hope she is having a fabulous time celebrating with her family in Disney World!

2. Today our sweet little friend, Nathan, became a big brother! We are beyond happy for him and his mommy and daddy. I'll "release more details" at a later date, once the proud parents and big brother have had time to personally share their exciting news with all of our mutual friends before I gush about their new addition! Welcome to the world Baby Kelly. We love you already!

3. And lastly, Piper received an influx of belated, yet very much appreciated, birthday cards! After having a birthday cake with Nana and Poppy on the 4th, then her birthday party on the 10th, then her actual birthday on the 12th, what's one more day to celebrate? Ha! She's starting to think that January is birthday month! Thank you so very much to those of you who sent cards and gifts. Piper really loved receiving them. 

So I'm sure you all agree that today is a great day for a birthday!

Happy Birthday Aunt Krista.
Welcome to the world Baby.
Happy Birthday again Piper.


Birthday love for my lucky three year old!
Piper trying to entertain Elliotte, who is much more interested in the camera!

Sunday, 18 January 2015

That Yabbit

Our Piper is starting to show interest in where her belongings come from.

She will often ask me, "who gave me this, mommy?"

A while ago I asked her to get a pair of socks out of her drawer 
to wear to bed.
(This child will NOT go to bed without them. 
Not even in the middle of summer.)

While she was wiggling her little toes into her socks, 
she asked me who gave them to her.
Since more often than not the answer is Nana and Poppy, 
that was how I responded.
Then I took a second look and said, 
"Piper. I think mommy actually gave you those socks."

This was when Piper smiled and replied, "No, Mommy. That Yabbit gave them to me."

Puzzled, I asked her to repeat herself. 

Once again she told me that "That Yabbit" gave her the socks.

After a moment it dawned on me and I laughed until I cried. 

Those orange striped socks were in her Easter basket last year.

She was right.
THAT YABBIT did give her those socks!

And since we're on the topic of socks,
I thought it would be fun to share another humorous Piper story.

Being the mother of a busy three year old,
a baby that doesn't sleep at night
and having a husband that works shift work,
I'm a little discombobulated at best.

I'm pretty good at keeping the girls' clothing organized,
but I've given up on my own.
The first thing to go were my socks.
I'm ashamed to admit how often I do not have
 two matching socks clean at the same time.

It used to bother Piper when I wore two different coloured socks,
and she never failed to mention it to me!

I never realized how often this happens until very recently.

Two nights ago, 
I realized that things have changed. 

Upon coming out of my bedroom
wearing one pink fuzzy sock and one purple fuzzy sock,
Piper stopped me.

She took a moment to gaze at my feet before exclaiming,
"You can't find the other one again, mom?!"

I guess that tells me a lot!

What am I going to do once Elliotte starts talking as well?
I think I'm going to be in trouble.


Wearing her Yabbit Socks.
Speaking of socks.
Here's Elliotte wearing the stocking that Nana and Poppy had made for her for Christmas.
It cost Santa a fortune to fill it up!!!
It didn't cost me as much! ;-)

Photos in the AM. Sorry.

Saturday, 17 January 2015

Little People - Big World

My little people rock my big world.

Their Little People, rock their big world.

I think I have just as much fun 
watching my little people play with their Little People,
as they do playing with them!!

Speaking of little people...
our little friend Nathan
is going to have a little brother or sister super soon.

Can you tell we're excited??

Hurry hurry little baby.
We are beyond excited to hear of your safe arrival
and to have another little friend to play with!


Our "Little" family.
A close up shows you the little guy that
Piper has named Nathan.
It's fitting that he's hanging out on the tire swing! :-)
I'm not as sure about how fitting it is that he's black though. lol
Here you can can see Nana and Poppy upstairs in the bedroom with their suitcase
because they're visiting.
Piper and Elliotte are in the baby's room.
Mommy and Daddy are in the kitchen having breakfast.
Aunt Krista, Uncle Harold and Jack are out on the balcony.
And Barb is in the living room on the phone.
And you've got Blue in the doghouse
with Prince Sheldon and Princess Lynette in the garden.
After all that excitement of entertaining such a big family,
my little people decided to take a break from playing
to each read a book.