Saturday, 31 January 2015

Snow Ice Cream

When life gives you lemons,
you make lemonade.

So, when life gives you snow,
what better thing to make than snow ice cream?!

Piper agreed!

First we set our pot on the patio to catch the most important ingredient.
Our little chef is ready! Watch out Rachel Ray!
Starting off with a little sugar...
And then the milk.
Oops. Taking a quick time-out to clean up the spilled milk.
One tsp of vanilla...
And whisk!
Now it's time to retrieve the secret ingredient. Our pot is full... so is our patio and backyard!
Eight cups of the fluffy white stuff!
And who could resist adding a little cocoa?
Carefully adding the final touches!
And voila! Snow ice cream!
It's "snow" good, mom!
This little one slept through our ice cream making,
But she didn't mind.
She was too busy having a little dance party with her musical walker
to hold a grudge.

Last night was the very first night in five months that I didn't have to get out of bed to go to one (or both) of my children! Hooray! My body is in a little bit of shock still, but I'll be right as rain before too long. It will take a little time to get adjusted to not getting up every hour during the night. I'm so proud of my girls! If this keeps up, Elliotte may be ready to make the big move into her shared room with her sister before we know it! :-D

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