Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Bodily Fluids

where do I begin.

It has been two weeks since I have posted in this blog,
and it may be another two before I get back to posting regularly.

Originally I stopped posting 
because a good friend of mine from Germany came to visit
and instead of spending my evenings blogging and cleaning,
I spent them either sipping tea, eating donuts and chatting, 
OR actually outside my home doing adult things like going to the cinema
or the theater to see the Anne of Green Gables musical!

But then my lovely friend flew back to Germany
and after a couple of wonderful days visiting my sister and her family in Nova Scotia,
my lovely little family got hit with a nasty virus. 

Because that's exactly what you want to happen.
Have two children throwing up all over the place 
when you're traveling with them alone
and visiting your pregnant sister's house.

I had planned to HELP Krista,
not cause her more work.
I know all too well what it feels like to try to get things done
when you're super pregnant,
so I was really hoping to help her with her housework before I left.

Well, I did... sort of.
If you count the fact that I cleaned the carpet and the bathroom floor
after Piper vomited all over them!

I have spent the last 4 days cleaning up bodily fluids
that are evicting themselves from my children 
in the most inconvenient places. 

Thankfully today, Piper was picking on her little sister again
and even got sent to her room twice. 
She must be feeling better!


After hosing down Piper's car seat and covering it in baking soda,
Krista and I sat up until 1:00am trying to dry it with a hair dryer
so that it would be dry in the morning for me to drive back to PEI.  
Waiting to see the doctor.
Not even the littlest one escaped this nasty bug.

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