Thursday, 30 July 2015

Lobster Roll


So Nana and Poppy are due to arrive in PEI
in just over a week.

That gives me roughly 9 days to catch up on these posts,
so that we can share some new posts while they are here.
That's because they have promised my girls
that they're going to take them everywhere and do everything
that PEI has to offer.

This sounds like a whole lot of fun for their momma,
or a whole lot of relaxation if I stay at home
while they're out enjoying PEI.

Either way,
we need to catch up on posts!!

Here's the last day of our visit with Riham from Germany.

We took her to the airport in Halifax to say goodbye.

If you haven't been to the Halifax airport,
then you're missing out.

Piper and Elliotte LOVE it there,
but for one reason only.

The lobsters!

There is a small store there that sells lobsters.
And Stuffed.

We ALWAYS have to go and visit the lobsters when we're there.
Each time, the girls will play with the stuffed toy lobsters
and hope that this is the day that Mommy will say yes
and let them bring one home with them.

After multiple visits to that store in the airport
over the past 3 years,
I finally said yes.
But only because Riham asked if she could please buy them for them.

Piper and Elliotte were ecstatic
and I was touched that another friend was being so kind to my girls.

There is so much love in this small small world.


Our hungry hippo decided to taste her lobster.
Surprise. Surprise.
She just wants to eat everything.

So happy!
Elliotte's lobster is named Hummer,
which means lobster in German.
Piper's lobster changes names daily.
I think today it was Shoobie Nubie Doobie.

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