Tuesday, 21 July 2015

The Potato Museum


You read the title correctly.

We visited a potato museum. 

We live in PEI after all. 

We have potatoes and lobsters.

Might as well throw a museum in there!


A quick cuddle with Riham when we visited the beach on the West Cape.
Piper and Daddy decided to dip their toes in the ocean.
The giant potato at the potato museum!

I wasn't kidding.
There's the sign for the museum and Riham posing with the giant potato. 
Oddly enough, this super cool train was also near the potato museum.
Elliotte threw a full scale tantrum when we took her off of it
and continued to arch her back and scream when we tried to put her in her carseat.
This was the first time she has ever done something like that.

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