Thursday, 31 December 2015

Here's to a Great Year and Great Friends

And so 2015 is ending and a new year beginning.

What sort of crazy adventures are ahead of us this year??
I can't wait to find out.

It's hard to believe that Piper is turning four
in less than two weeks.
I was hoping to have a different themed party for her this year,
but my little big girl is still a diehard Dora fan.
Soooo... this momma is determined to turn our home
into a Dora shrine for her this year. 
To add a little spin to it, 
I'm adding the Ballet Dora everywhere that I can.
Piper is excited, 
but reminds me that I cannot forget Boots.
And the cake MUST include Boots.
That is proving to be a problem.
I cannot find a cake pan that includes Dora AND Boots.
So, it looks like there will be two cakes this year.
One with Dora and one with Boots. 
Let's hope that lots of guests show up to help us eat all of that cake!

And Miss Elliotte will be turning two in just two months.
It's a shock to me that my baby is already going to be TWO.
It's a shock to everyone else that we know that she's ONLY going to be two.
This little chatterbox refuses to believe that she is not three,
so she does everything that a three year old would do.
We haven't decided on a birthday theme for her yet,
but I'm thinking of kitty cats. 
We are not a cat family,
but for some strange reason
our littlest Lynch loves them.

Happy New Year to anyone reading this post.
May 2016 be your best year ever
and may we have a chance to visit with you somewhere other than online. 


These photos were taken a few days ago,
but what a better way to end the year than with your best friends?
Piper and Sylvie love each other.
And these two are becoming fast friends.
A little slower than the others,
since Elliotte is too busy chasing the big girls! :-)
We have succeeded in turning our basement into an indoor fun play land.
Let's hope that this helps us get through the long cold winter
with Mommy's sanity intact!

Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Favourites and Farewell

We said farewell to Nanny and Poppy Lynch yesterday.

Piper didn't want them to go,
but was okay once I explained that they would be back again
for another visit in a few months.

Elliotte, of course, didn't really know that they were leaving.
She didn't make any mention of them until bedtime tonight.
She looked me tonight and said,
"Kish Poppy? Kish Poppy?"
(She wanted to give her Poppy a kiss goodnight.)
I told her that Poppy was gone home.
Then she said, "Nanny?"

she misses them!

Here are a few photos to sum up their visit.

As mentioned before, 
Piper moved into a big BIG girl bed a few days before Christmas.
She's pretty proud of it. 

Elliotte is still in a crib
and will probably still be there when she's 20. 
She loves to go to bed and doesn't try to climb out
(knock on wood)
at bedtime or during the night.
As long as that keeps up,
she's not going anywhere. 
One child coming into my room at night
and keeping me awake is rough enough.
So tired.

I returned to my optometrist today
as a desperate attempt to find the reason for these headaches.
He immediately asked me if I'm getting enough sleep.
I laughed.
Then he asked if I'm maybe drinking too much coffee
to accommodate for the lack of sleep.
I wish, but not the case.

I'm trying out some new contact lenses now.

Fingers crossed.


Our big girl in her big girl bed!
Nanny reading bedtime stories.
These two admiring each other.
Elliotte likes to dance when there isn't any music.
It's funny because Wallace will tap his toe when there's no music.
They both must have the music in their heads!
Baking cupcakes with Nanny.

Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Trimming the Tree

I feel like I'm traveling back in time 
with these blog posts.
Sorry for the reverse timing,
but I was either too busy getting ready for Christmas,
or my headache was too bad 
for me to post on the day the photos were taken.

I'm making up for lost time this way!

Decorating the tree was a group event.

We found a broken ornament in one of the boxes,
so Mommy found herself with the unexpected job
of just trying to keep little fingers away from the broken glass.

With mommy distracted,
that meant the decorating by the little ones was a free for all.
Thankfully Daddy, Nanny and Poppy were all there
to help and supervise. 

The tree was beautiful in the end
and the girls LOVED it.
So did their mom!

I'm still learning how to use my new camera.
That means that I didn't use the correct setting 
to take the Christmas tree lights into consideration.
Blurry photos were the result.
Clear focus was lost,
but the love was not!


Piper gets to put our snowman on the top of our tree every year!
Of course, Elliotte couldn't be left out.
Her jumping and screaming "Uppy Daddy!" were our subtle hints
that she wanted a turn too!
This is another favourite photo of mine.
These two have a very special bond.
I love seeing them share moments like this!
Monkey See - Monkey Do!
Piper and Nanny were decorating machines!
I actually got away from the broken ornament box in time to actually hang an ornament!
This ornament was Elliotte's special godchild ornament
from her godfather, Ben!
The only member of the family who refused to help decorate...
so we decorated him instead!

Monday, 28 December 2015

Time for Christmas Tea

Piper was kind enough to host a Christmas party,
just a couple of days prior to Christmas.

She invited her sister and her grandparents.

Mommy was invited to capture the evening's events with still shots.

Fun was had by all!


Party of four.
Piper and Elliotte both were proper little ladies
and help to serve the tea and sweets.

Sunday, 27 December 2015

Pie Face

Piper received the game PIE FACE for Christmas.

It's pretty much a Russian Roulette game with whipped cream
and it's HILARIOUS!

Nanny and Poppy Lynch joined us for a game today.
Needless to say,
a LOT of laughs were had by all.

Elliotte wasn't quite sure what to think,
but Piper thought it was funny....
until it was her turn.

She was brave for one turn,
but then preferred to see everyone else be the victim.


If you come to visit us at our house,
you WILL be expected to play!



Nanny's Pie Face.
Elliotte really wasn't sure what to think of this game...
Then came Daddy's turn.
The little one was brave and decided to take a turn!
The anticipation is the worst part...
The perfect photo.
I managed to get this shot of the hand still moving
and the whipped cream flying toward Poppy's face.

Saturday, 26 December 2015

Christmas Continued

The Christmas fun continues
as the girls are having so much fun with their new toys
AND their new clothes.

My girlie girls love their new clothes.
Mostly they love dresses and dressing to match each other.
Piper has a slight obsession with twins
(she still has a twin named Kelly
who lives in a pink house in Jamaica!)
But when I dress her and Elliotte alike,
she claims Elliotte as her twin instead.

Christmas morning was a hoot.

Piper had asked Santa for a grocery store,
while Elliotte had asked for something to climb on.

Well... the grocery store was set up near the tree
and was easy to see as soon as the girls awoke.

Elliotte's present from Santa was a little too large for the living room,
so he set it up in our downstairs play area instead.

Neither of the girls knew that Elliotte's climbing dome was downstairs,
but that didn't bother them.
That's because there was a step stool sitting beneath our tree
that was not wrapped.
(I had asked Mark for a new stool for the girls' bathroom.
Both for them to stand on while brushing their teeth
and for me to sit on while giving them a bath.)
When the girls saw the stool, 
Elliotte immediately ran over and climbed up to stand on it.
(I didn't lie when I said she's a climber.)
That made Piper think that Santa brought Elliotte her 'climbing' toy
that she asked for.

Silly silly little girls. 

They both thought that the little step stool was Elliotte's gift from Santa.

Thanks to the fact that my little girls are surrounded by so much love,
they received a LOT of gifts from family and friends.
Both girls were excited to start opening the presents,
but lost interest once things to play with were revealed.

Elliotte's breaking point came upon opening probably he fifth present.
It was a tiny dishcloth knit by my grandmother
for her to use in her little kitchen. 
I explained to Elliotte that now she can wash her own dishes
in her own kitchen.
Well, that was the beginning of the end.
She ended up spending a large portion of the rest of the morning cleaning
instead of opening presents. 
The rest of the morning was spent standing on my little step stool
behind Piper's grocery store.


Piper also became a little overwhelmed by the end,
but regained her excitement in time for the stockings.

After the gifts and stockings,
we had a lovely breakfast and then let the girls play/nap,
while we got the turkey in the oven and the veggies in the pot.

Once dinner was cooking,
we got ourselves cleaned up
and welcomed some new friends into our home
to help us celebrate this beautiful day.
Mark, Jagoda, Stanley and Lianna joined our family for dinner.

After spending many Christmases away from home,
in the Philippines, Taiwan, Australia, Fort McPherson and Yellowknife,
Mark and I know all too well 
what it feels like to be away from family during the holidays.
More than that, 
we know how incredible it can be to be welcomed in to people's homes
and treated like we are their family!

That is one of the reasons why we were both so excited
when Jagoda's family accepted our invite for dinner.
We were finally given the opportunity to repay the kindness
that has been shown to us many times over.

Piper and Elliotte were equally excited
to have their little friends here as well.

Jagoda, if you're reading this post,
thank you so much for adding joy to our day!


Christmas dinner at the Lynch Household.
A better view that includes everyone...
except me of course.
This little one ate a huge supper!
While Stanley thought it would be more fun
to move his food from his plate to the table.
Elliotte was okay with that,
because she started stealing his food and eating it!
Our little princess who LOVES turkey dinner
didn't eat much at all.
I think she was just overwhelmed with everything
that comes with Christmas day.
After supper, our littlest lady
thought that it would somehow be appropriate to put her foot on the table.
It prompted myself and Jagoda to shake our finger at her and say 'no no'.
That triggered Stanley to shake his little finger at her
and then burst into uncontrollable fits of laughter.
Of course, with an audience like that,
there was no way Elliotte was backing down and removing that foot!

Piper joined in the finger wagging and tears of laughter followed.
By far, this was one of the highlights of our Christmas day!
Ummmm... if you ignore the mess and the fact that Piper has graduated to a big girl bed,
(she moved in 3 days ago - post to follow!)
do you see what I see?
These too were getting along a little too well
and getting a little too cozy.
I'm calling a turkey coma,
but her daddy still wasn't very please!

Friday, 25 December 2015

Merry Christmas 2015

What an exciting Christmas.

Piper is at the perfect age for truly believing.

Elliotte is at the perfect age for truly feeding off of her sister's excitement.


Being a mother at Christmas is SO much better
than being a kid at Christmas!

We were blessed to have two happy healthy little girls
here to open heaps of presents
that were sent to them from family and friends
both near and far.
They are surrounded by so much love!

We also have Nanny and Poppy Lynch here
to spend Christmas with us this year.

As if that isn't enough to be thankful for,
we were also so fortunate to host some new friends here in our home
for Christmas dinner!
We had such a lovely lovely day.

I'll write more tomorrow to describe our Christmas.
For now I'll post a few photos
and then go put my feet up and spend a quiet hour with my husband
after a long LOUD and busy day!

Merry Christmas!


Eating popcorn twists with Daddy,
while watching a Dora show on Christmas Eve.
Piper sat with Nanny and Poppy to eat big girl popcorn.
"Hanging" the stocking.
Aka. putting them on the floor by the fireplace.
So excited.
We can't forget this guy.
He loves Christmas just as much as anyone!
Piper decided that Santa could probably use a cup of coffee,
since he was going to be awake all night.
Along with cupcakes made by these two sweeties!
Santa has arrived! 
He sure did visit our house! 
And he ate the cupcakes and drank the coffee!
Can you feel the excitement?
Piper was vibrating when she saw that Santa brought her
her grocery store!!
Elliotte's stocking is bigger than her!
Elliotte asked Santa for something to climb on.
He sure delivered!
Elliotte hit the top of the dome all by herself..
about 10 seconds after first seeing it!
So much fun!
So much love.
So much paper!
Happy happy girls.
Stockings seem to be a favorite in our house.
I shouldn't surprise me,
since both girls have a sweet tooth!

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Colouring Contest Winners

Both girls were vibrating with excitement
as they went to Home Hardware to claim their prizes
for the coloring contest that they entered.

Piper was SO proud.
I can't even describe it.
She kept asking me if they really liked her coloring
and then would give me a giant hug.
She was really really REALLY proud of herself.

Elliotte was excited too,
but only because she feeds off of Piper.
She really had no idea what was happening.
Either way, she was excited when the lady gave her her prize!

The received night lights that project Christmas images
on the wall or ceiling.

Elliotte kept screaming and pointing at it
when she saw the image. 

So fun!


Piper helped Ellitte open hers first,
before opening her own.
They checked out each other's prize to make sure they were the same. 
So excited!