As I have said in previous posts,
Piper is taking the terrible twos very seriously.
The hitting is still continuing,
as is some screaming when she knows we want her to be quiet
and now comes the head-butting.
It's not really head-butting,
but more like head-pushing.
She will put her head down next to me or Elliotte
and begins pushing.
She will continue to do this,
pushing harder the madder I get.
WHAT am I going to do with her?
We tried time outs,
but after just a few days,
Piper would do something unacceptable
and then give HERSELF a timeout.
Same thing happened with sending her to her room.
She will hit Blue or Elliotte,
then look at me and say,
"Go Piper's room?"
She's punishing herself!!
At least I know that she understands that what she as done is not nice
and that there are consequences.
Lately I can see when the hitting or pushing is about to start
and will ask her if she needs some time for herself in her room.
She will usually say okay
and then walk to her room.
More often than not,
she will get distracted by a toy on her way
and the problem is solved.
Not always,
but for now it's seems to be semi-working.
As for the eggs featured in this post,
well let's just say that we've been trying to do this project
for about two weeks.
EVERY time we started to get ready to colour these eggs,
Piper would have some sort of outburst
and I would have to stop what we were doing to 'punish' her.
She would then ask to colour her eggs.
I would explain that I would not reward her hitting by doing a special Easter activity,
hoping that she would think twice before repeating the behaviour the next day.
seeing as how we didn't get to colour the eggs until two weeks after I boiled them,
you can see how well my parenting technique was working.
Be consistent and persevere right?
She's a smart kid,
so she will eventually catch on...
In the mean time,
Elliotte will have no choice but to grow up being one tough little kid.
Just wait until she's old enough to defend herself.
Watch out Piper!
Karma is a.... not nice thing!
Piper, Elliotte and Nana getting ready to dye the eggs. |
I can't remember what the issue was here, but for some reason I think she was pointing at Elliotte and was a little disappointed that she wasn't showing more excitement about our Easter project! |
We decided to speed up the drying process. |
Poppy Pope begrudgingly agreed to cuddle Elliotte for a little while, so that Nana could get in on the decorating action! ;-) |
Sticker Time!!! |
The finished product. Each egg was sitting on a little stand, but this is Piper we're talking about. Heaven forbid they sit there looking neat and tidy!! This kid prefers chaos! |
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