Thursday, 3 April 2014

Three's a Charm

Doesn't look like there is a big difference in size
between these two.

Piper at 3 months old
Elliotte at 3 weeks old

I think they are both around 11 pounds at this point.

Now their mother,
on the other hand,
is a whole other story.

There is a HUGE difference in her size. 


Hoping to start running again on Monday 
to see if I can get myself back to that same weight by 3 months again.
Since I gained an extra 35 pounds with Elliotte,
I doubt it will happen.

Oh well.
At least I had lots of fun gaining the weight.
I've never eaten so much peanut butter in my life!


Piper at three months old.
Elliotte at 3 weeks old.
Not a whole lot of difference in their size! :-)

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