Monday, 28 April 2014

Yabbit Cookies

I still have some Easter photos to use up!

And more photos of Nana and Poppy's visit.
I must take advantage of all of the photos 
that they took with my girls!

They all had so much fun!
Mostly the grandparents,
but Piper and Elliotte had fun too!


Don't judge.
I know I should have made homemade cookies with Piper,
but I'm using my newborn as an excuse.
No one needs to know that Elliotte is such a good baby
that I really did have time to bake real cookies.
If you get the cookie with the hole in it,
it's because Piper insisted in sticking her finger through it!
(Notice how weirdly double jointed her fingers are!
It's a little freaky!)
Poppy, Nana and Elliotte heard that we were "making" cookies
and decided to get in on the action. 
Oh dear.
Elliotte just discovered that she's too small to have one.
She wasn't impressed!

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