Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Digin' Duggan!

Today we went to a Mommy-Baby Potluck Lunch.

Usually when we are out in public, Piper is very quiet, sitting pretty, watching the other kids and playing with a toy or two. If a child took a toy from her, she'd just watch and then reach for a new one. No drama.

Today was a different story. For some reason she came out of her shell and became the center of attention. She was super chatty, mobile, and SHE was the one stealing toys! It was fun to let my friends see what she is really like when we are not in public. Ha!

Duggan was her real little buddy today. She grabbed his head at one point and "kissed' it. So cute.


Double trouble!

Eight months old today and mastering the sippy cup! 

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