Saturday, 15 September 2012

Where's Waldo... oops, I mean Piper?

Piper has been "practice crawling" for a while now. Rocking back and forth on all fours has been the norm, along with quite a few face-plants into the floor.

Every now and then she will crawl a little bit, but mostly she will get on all fours and then launch herself forward, repeat, repeat, repeat... until she reaches her object of desire. (Usually something she is not allowed to have, like my camera.)

Today, however, she somehow figured out how this crawling thing works, and then BAM, we have a mobile baby!

I now feel like I'm living a version of "Where's Waldo - The Piper Series". I turn my back for one second and when I turn back it's "Where'd she go?'

Let the fun begin!


ONE SECOND. I turned around for one second.
Can you find her? 


Hi Mom! 

Oh, you have the camera.
I will crawl for the camera!

Must stop and rest. 

On the move again...

until I realized there was something else to explore along the way!
(Still keeping an eye on the camera if you didn't notice.)

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