Thursday, 20 September 2012

Piper's Leg Update

I was looking back over my past blogs and realized that I may have come across as a little bit crazy when I saw the photo that I posted of Piper's "bug bite".

It really doesn't look that bad in the photo. Certainly not bad enough for a trip to the ER.

HOWEVER, if you could have seen the real thing, you would have gone too.

And if you could have seen how much worse it got over the next week, you would understand why we went back to the doctor AGAIN and why I was in the process of booking a flight to Edmonton to see a dermatologist. (A lovely friend who is an OR nurse talked me out of this at the time. Thank you Sally!)

Either way, I was an absolute mess worrying about this spot. I couldn't eat, sleep or relax. It was just a very stressful time.

Day after day the 'bite' kept getting bigger and badder. The third doctor that we saw suggested that this may be the Molluscum Contagiosum virus, which is pretty common in kids. I'm not convinced that this is what she has, since the spots are normally 2-3 mm wide and are the same colour as your skin.

Take a look at the photos below. I don't think this looks anything like what is described. Ugh. I really think it was a bee or wasp sting that got infected, but who knows!

Thankfully we are seeing a lot of improvement. We continued with the antibiotic cream for 10 days and are due back a the doctor's office tomorrow for a follow-up. We'll see what he has to say then!

Here is the 3 week photo timeline:

August 28 - Day 1

September  8 - Day 12

September 13 - Day 17

September 14 - Day 18

September 15 - Day 19

September 18 - Day 22

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