Monday, 22 April 2013

Doggie Toy Delivery Service

Piper can be a little rough with Blue sometimes,
so if I'm doing something where I can't watch them both 100%,
then they get separated.

Last night while I was making supper,
I closed the baby gates so that Piper was trapped on the same floor as me,
and Blue was trapped upstairs.

Neither of them were very happy about the situation, 
but tough luck.
Momma needed at least one eye for cooking!!

During this time I hear Piper's squeals of delight
mixed with little footsteps back and forth along the floor.

When I glance around the corner to see what is happening, 
I find Piper taking toys out of Blue's toy box
and delivering them to him one by one!

She is so kind to him
(when she's not pulling his fur out)!


A blue ball for Blue... coming right up!
There you are sir.
Is there anything else that I can get for you today?
Now who's spoiled rotten?

FYI - Piper's 7th tooth cut through today!! She now has two of the bottom front teeth, two of the top front teeth (with one on the right side of them) and two molars cutting through on the top. Soon we won't have to cut up her steak so tiny!! xo

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