Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Fruity. Fun. Flop!

Piper's Uncle Phil once suggested that I make fruit popsicles for Miss P. 
I thought it was a great idea, 
but like most things,
I kept putting it off until 'tomorrow'.

now that summer items are showing up on the shelves at Walmart
I found the little plastic popsicle moulds and decided that today should be my new tomorrow!

But today wasn't tomorrow, 
so the fruit that I bought to puree into frozen treats 
became today's boring old same-ol' fruit for breakfast.

I had a brilliant idea.

I still had some jars of Bartlett Pear baby food in the cupboard.
Why not use that to make the popsicles.

So I did. 

They turned out great!
Almost impossible to get out of the mould,
but great!!

Only one problem persists...
Piper won't eat them.

Even if they're dipped.

Deep full-lung-capacity SIGH!


Momma was quite excited when this idea came to her!
And even more excited when it actually worked!!!
What am I supposed to do with this?
Jeez Mom!!!!
You could have warned me that it was going to be cold! 
If you think I'm going to eat it just because it's dipped,
you're strongly mistaken.
But don't get me wrong. The dipping is FUN!

Oh, and to boot, I thought these would be an even bigger hit when I found tooth number EIGHT this afternoon!!! Wouldn't you want some frozen pear on your sore gums??? PIPER!!!!!

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