Saturday, 27 April 2013

Operation Gravol

Today we decided to launch Operation Gravol.

As you may remember, 
while on our road trip in California, 
we learned that Piper gets carsick on twisty turning roads. 

We then RELEARNED that fact again last month 
when we decided to take a family drive up the Ingraham Trail.


Well we are heading to Jamaica next month 
and have learned that the 1.5 hour drive from the airport to the resort 
is twisty turing.

We needed a plan.

Our plan was Gravol,
but we weren't 100% sure it would work.

Today we tested it to see what would happen.

We set out with blankets, wet wipes, tissues,
changes of clothes and my camera (of course). 

Piper was excited to set out on this adventure.
Mom and Dad were less excited, but it needed to be done.

I'm am very excited and relieved to announce that it was a success.

We returned home with a puke-free little girl
who had a lovely nap along the way.

Now we are ready for Jamaica. 
Ya Mon! 


Oh look. There's a car seat stored in the spare bedroom.
It must be here for me to climb on!
Okay. Ready to go mom.
What's taking you too so long?
 If I have to wait any longer I'm going to have to eat my own toes. 

The car seat has been moved to the porch and I'm still ready.
(No, we did not put her in there. She got in all by herself!)
Have I ever mentioned that she has her daddy's patience??!!!

Cool. This is my 200th post. Happy 200 posts to me!

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