Monday, 15 April 2013

Monkey in the Middle

We have a climber.

A major climber.

Perhaps it's because the space in our home is too small to run around.
If you can't move around horizontally, 
I guess you go vertical.

If I want to make a meal or do the dishes,
I have to pull all of the chairs away from our table and lay them on their sides.

It doesn't stop the climbing,
but it does cut down on the height that she can reach
and therefore the height that she can fall from.

We have multiple crashes each day,
but no broken bones thus far.


Oh look! A little shelf under the table.
They must have put this here just for me!

Yep! It's the perfect height to climb up on!

Ah ha! A perfect fit for me!
Now, if Mommy didn't stop taking photos here,
you would see me climb onto the chair from here and then onto the table!
Why sit when you can climb??

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