Thursday, 31 October 2013

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween everyone!

What a great day today turned out to be.

It was one of those days where we laughed from our bellies
numerous times. 

That's good for the soul!

Here are some of our Halloween adventures and funnies today:

1. One of our first trick-or-treaters was a little girl around 10-11 years old. 
As I dumped candy into her bag, she looked inside my house and asked me if this was my new house.
Thinking that she must have known the previous owners, I answered "Yes, yes it is."
That's when she responded, "Ahh, that explains the shiny floors!"

2. Piper went trick-or-treating at Sylvie's house across the street. 
Sylvie was excited to give Piper some Play-dough and happily placed it into Piper's bucket.
Then we started to leave.
That's when Sylvie realized that Piper was taking the Play-dough with her,
and proceeded to break down and cry, cry, cry.
As we walked to the next house, Piper kept saying, "Sylvie, nose, clean. Sylvie, nose, clean". 
It was so sweet. She was very upset that Sylvie was sad!

3. The next house let us pet their dog and gave Piper yogurt covered raisins. 
Nothing else lived up to the raisins after that. Piper just kept taking them out of her bucket and repeating raisin over and over. That was the only thing she even wanted to eat when we got home. 
Suited me JUST FINE! No big sugar rush before bed in this house! SWEET!

4. Just as Piper and I were getting home from trick-or-treating,
I noticed that Mark's police car was in our driveway. He had come home early for supper.
As Piper and I walked up our driveway, some little boys were just leaving our house after Mark gave them candy. I overhear one little guy saying, "no no, I don't think he's dressed up. I think he's really working!"

5. During supper Mark answered the door a few times to let me eat. After a few times, I hear a lady tell her child that "no, that is not his costume, that is all real. Isn't it Mr. Police Man?". 
Mark laughs and tells them that yes indeed his uniform is real and that he is only home for supper.
The lady's response was, "I knew it. Everyone on the street is saying that you're just dressed up, but I knew it was real". Hahaha. I guess some people thought we were REALLY into Halloween to even have acquired a Police CAR to have in our driveway as an accessory to Mark's 'costume'. :-)

6. One teenage boy noticed Piper in her lobster costume while he was at our door trick-or-treating. 
He asked if he could have lobster instead of chips. lol

Okay. Enough with the Halloween stories. 
It was fun and Piper had a blast. 
She didn't care too much for the kids coming to the door at first, 
and started saying, "no more kids"!

That was until a little guy showed up dressed as Mickey Mouse 
AND he had a Thomas the Tank Engine bucket!
Piper wanted to keep him... and the bucket!

Miss P had a great time and didn't take her costume off for the entire evening. 
I thought I was going to have to put her to bed wearing it. 
Funny kid!

We hope you all had as much fun this Halloween as we did!


We need a bigger pot!
Our little lobster saying "Pick me"!
Another pumpkin still in the patch!
Piper just home from trick-or-treating with her loot!
Trick-or-treating fun! 
Maybe she should have been a Cowgirl instead?
Halloween is exhausting!
(Watching Mickey Mouse.)
Two years ago today when Miss P was still just a little pumpkin in the patch!

And a follow-up to yesterday's post:
I was very proud of my and Piper's pumpkin, especially when Piper immediately recognized that it was a CAT! Well this morning when we woke up, Mark notice that the cat was a little 'limp'. I looked and thought... "maybe no one will notice?". That's when my one year-old looks at it and says, "ahhh cat. Okay? Okay cat? Mommy - Kiss!" I guess there was no chance that no one would notice. I'm not sure what I did wrong, but needless to say, this pumpkin didn't make it to the front step! xo

No nine lives for this cat!

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Piper's First Pumpkin

Ironically enough,
Piper's first time carving a pumpkin 
was also her mother's first time carving a pumpkin.

Yes I've taken part in pumpkin carving.
As a kid in school, in brownies and then teaching in schools,
but I have never actually carved a pumpkin from start to finish.

Personally I think it's kind of gross.

This is one tradition that my mother never started with us growing up,
and I never once felt bad about it!

Piper is so curious and adventurous
that I couldn't resist carving one with her this year.

At first she was just happy to have a "pun-kin".
Then appalled at the stringy guts on the inside.
Then annoyed that her sleeves were rolled up (had to roll them down).
Then too curious to pass up a chance to get dirty.
Then too dirty to go to bed without a bath!

She had fun helping with the carving,
but it was revealing the final product that was the funniest. 

I show it to her and she immediately says "cat".
Okay, so success on my end that it actually looks enough like a cat 
for a one year old to recognize!

Then I lit the candle and turned off the lights.

Piper says "Oh, Happy To!"
(Her version of Happy Birthday!)
She said this a couple of times before trying to blow out the candle through the cat!

I love my little girl!


Happy with her "pun-kin"!
Unsure about the guts!!!!
Enough of the rolled up sleeves.
This is not acceptable for Piper!
Finally letting her curiosity get the best of her
and joining in the fun! 
Checking to see if it's scraped out enough!
"Happy To. Happy To"

Funny Story:
Yesterday evening Piper and I went out on the deck to play on her slide while her daddy was barbecuing. Miss P was having a grand time, but when ever her daddy opened up the bbq lid, she wanted to be standing at the top of her slide watching. After watching closely for a little while, she started singing her "Happy To. Happy To" song. I couldn't figure out what she was doing at first and laughed at her. I told her that daddy was barbecuing burgers and not cakes! Silly me! It wasn't the burgers that she was singing to, it was the flames of the bbq. I only figured it out when some grease/fat caught fire on the grill and Mark leaned over to blow it out. That's when Piper immediately starting singing "Happy to" again! It's always a party at our house!!! :-)

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Our Bath Gnome

As Piper's hair gets longer and longer,
the more fun we have with it in the bath!


Daddy's shampoo hair creation!

Monday, 28 October 2013

New Halloween Socks

It's Halloween week!


Piper celebrated by putting on her new Halloween socks!


After she found the evidence of Mommy's late night snack!
They make great mittens too!

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Okay Daddy?

I would love to boast that Daddy,
being the mean cop that he is,
got that boo boo by fighting off a bad guy.

But no.
This isn't quite such a 'romantic' heroic story.

Daddy had asked Mommy to help him put together 
the last part of his new exercise equipment.

Mommy was busy giving Piper a bath,
so Daddy had to wait.

Well if you know Piper's daddy at all,
you know that patience is something that he does NOT have.

So, he proceeded to put the equipment together by himself.
It backfired and busted his eyebrow open.
No stitches required,
but it was close!

Piper now just wants everyone to kiss Daddy's boo boo!


Making daddy 'all better'.
Kiss kiss!

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Lazy Girl Chair?

Who needs a Lazy Boy chair,
when you can just BE a lazy girl?

This is how Piper watched TV yesterday 
while I was in the kitchen getting us something to eat. 

Such a little monkey!


Not a worry in the world. 
She seems to be enjoying watching Bubble Guppies like this,
perhaps I will try it out while watching Grey's Anatomy tonight. 
Relaxation at it's best!

Friday, 25 October 2013

Halloween Farm Fun

One of the local farms has a scarecrow competition each year.

They also have fun with "hay"
to celebrate Halloween!

Mark and I took Piper there today to have a little fun.

Sadly, we didn't stay long though,
since the strong wind was quite cold!


Piper's favourite!!
The giant Hay Bale puppy dogs!
Piper's least favouite.
Sitting on a hay bale by herself! 
Another Piper favouite! 
Piper and Daddy with the scarecrows.
A hay bale witch! 
A hay bale turkey!
Mommy's favouite!
The hay bale giant spider!

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Pants or No Pants

You will have noticed from many posts
that Piper often chooses not to wear pants.
Apparently they are overrated. 

Unless, of course, you have just mastered putting them on all by yourself.

THEN you will want to wear many pairs at one time!


A usual fashion show in our house.
Shirt, hoodie, rain coat and boots
(and Daddy as an accessory)!
Times change and so do fashion trends!
Walking the runway while still trying to pull up
the second pair of pants!
It was once cool for guys to wear the pants so low
that you could see the band of their underwear.
I think this takes it to a whole new level!

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Having Fun?

I can't tell if she's having fun.
Can you?



Pee in your pants fun!

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

New House Cleaning

We all know that when we move into a new home
the first thing you do is clean clean clean.

Well that's exactly what Miss Piper did
when I first have her her 'new house'. 

It was exhausting work!


Scrub scrub scrub!
And done!

Monday, 21 October 2013

Go Raiders!

I'm a little lazy tonight and just want to go to bed.

As a result, 
I'm reusing photos from our California post.


Because it was one year ago today 
that Piper's daddy lived his dream 
of going to an Oakland Raiders game IN Oakland!

It was his highlight of an amazing California road trip!


Daddy trying to convert us all into Raiders fans!
I think it's working on this little one.
(She's being held by a random fan in this photo.
She was passed around like a mini Raiders mascot!)
Enjoying a snack during the game.
It wasn't nachos, fries or a hot dog, but she didn't complain! 
Exhausted by the time the game was over!
This was by far the loudest sporting event we have ever attended,
yet Piper managed to take a couple of naps thanks to her headphones!

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Monkey Business

It's so nice to be able to take Piper outside 
to play with her water table and slide on our deck...

If we were still in Yellowknife, 
the water would be freezing by now!

I still really really miss Yellowknife and my friends there,
but I am starting to 'warm' up to PEI.


Enjoying the deck that Daddy and Poppy built!
Piper and monkey getting ready for take-off.
Monkey goes first.
On Monkey's second ride,
he kind of got thrown instead of pushed.
Piper is waving "bye-bye monkey!"

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Luxury Shopping

What better way to shop
than to sit back with your feet up and have a snack??

This was a pretty 'laid back' trip to the grocery store!

I wish I could shop like this!

Oh, but do notice that there are no fruits or vegetables visible in our cart.
That is because they have to be kept at the front or covered
to protect them from Miss P's sneaky fingers. 

She will grab any/all of them to pull off the stickers,
and then EAT the fruit!


Just chillin'! 

Friday, 18 October 2013

Backwards Crib

Two nights ago DISASTER stuck the Lynch household!

Piper climbed out of her crib!


Our plan was to keep Piper in her crib for as long as possible
(my aim for until she turned 15, but we would have been happy with 3),
since her and the Littlest Lynch will be sharing a room.

A crib climber changes everything!

Mark and I are NOT ready to start training Piper to sleep in her toddler bed.

Panic struck us for a few hours the next day until I had a revelation!

Piper's crib is taller on the back than it is on the front.
What if we just turned the crib backwards???

Sometimes I am just so smart it's scary. lol
Until I realized that with my giant baby belly,
laying Piper into the crib may now be a very difficult task.

And it is difficult to get her in there,
but it worked. 
She can't get out now!

Woo hoo!
Throw some confetti and light some fireworks.
This mom and dad are celebrating!!!

For now.

Let's hope it stays this way for another year... or 13! ;-)


This started last week.
Throwing all of her 'friends' out of the crib and then crying for them.
Mommy's brilliant idea to solve a potentially disastrous situation!
And this is how I find Little Miss in the morning!
(No, I didn't have a guard dog watching her all night.
He just likes to be the first to greet her in the morning
and couldn't pass up the chance to be the star in the photo!)
Cuddles for Ernie and 'Dip' in her new reinforced dwelling!