Thursday, 31 October 2013

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween everyone!

What a great day today turned out to be.

It was one of those days where we laughed from our bellies
numerous times. 

That's good for the soul!

Here are some of our Halloween adventures and funnies today:

1. One of our first trick-or-treaters was a little girl around 10-11 years old. 
As I dumped candy into her bag, she looked inside my house and asked me if this was my new house.
Thinking that she must have known the previous owners, I answered "Yes, yes it is."
That's when she responded, "Ahh, that explains the shiny floors!"

2. Piper went trick-or-treating at Sylvie's house across the street. 
Sylvie was excited to give Piper some Play-dough and happily placed it into Piper's bucket.
Then we started to leave.
That's when Sylvie realized that Piper was taking the Play-dough with her,
and proceeded to break down and cry, cry, cry.
As we walked to the next house, Piper kept saying, "Sylvie, nose, clean. Sylvie, nose, clean". 
It was so sweet. She was very upset that Sylvie was sad!

3. The next house let us pet their dog and gave Piper yogurt covered raisins. 
Nothing else lived up to the raisins after that. Piper just kept taking them out of her bucket and repeating raisin over and over. That was the only thing she even wanted to eat when we got home. 
Suited me JUST FINE! No big sugar rush before bed in this house! SWEET!

4. Just as Piper and I were getting home from trick-or-treating,
I noticed that Mark's police car was in our driveway. He had come home early for supper.
As Piper and I walked up our driveway, some little boys were just leaving our house after Mark gave them candy. I overhear one little guy saying, "no no, I don't think he's dressed up. I think he's really working!"

5. During supper Mark answered the door a few times to let me eat. After a few times, I hear a lady tell her child that "no, that is not his costume, that is all real. Isn't it Mr. Police Man?". 
Mark laughs and tells them that yes indeed his uniform is real and that he is only home for supper.
The lady's response was, "I knew it. Everyone on the street is saying that you're just dressed up, but I knew it was real". Hahaha. I guess some people thought we were REALLY into Halloween to even have acquired a Police CAR to have in our driveway as an accessory to Mark's 'costume'. :-)

6. One teenage boy noticed Piper in her lobster costume while he was at our door trick-or-treating. 
He asked if he could have lobster instead of chips. lol

Okay. Enough with the Halloween stories. 
It was fun and Piper had a blast. 
She didn't care too much for the kids coming to the door at first, 
and started saying, "no more kids"!

That was until a little guy showed up dressed as Mickey Mouse 
AND he had a Thomas the Tank Engine bucket!
Piper wanted to keep him... and the bucket!

Miss P had a great time and didn't take her costume off for the entire evening. 
I thought I was going to have to put her to bed wearing it. 
Funny kid!

We hope you all had as much fun this Halloween as we did!


We need a bigger pot!
Our little lobster saying "Pick me"!
Another pumpkin still in the patch!
Piper just home from trick-or-treating with her loot!
Trick-or-treating fun! 
Maybe she should have been a Cowgirl instead?
Halloween is exhausting!
(Watching Mickey Mouse.)
Two years ago today when Miss P was still just a little pumpkin in the patch!

And a follow-up to yesterday's post:
I was very proud of my and Piper's pumpkin, especially when Piper immediately recognized that it was a CAT! Well this morning when we woke up, Mark notice that the cat was a little 'limp'. I looked and thought... "maybe no one will notice?". That's when my one year-old looks at it and says, "ahhh cat. Okay? Okay cat? Mommy - Kiss!" I guess there was no chance that no one would notice. I'm not sure what I did wrong, but needless to say, this pumpkin didn't make it to the front step! xo

No nine lives for this cat!

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