Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Piper's First Pumpkin

Ironically enough,
Piper's first time carving a pumpkin 
was also her mother's first time carving a pumpkin.

Yes I've taken part in pumpkin carving.
As a kid in school, in brownies and then teaching in schools,
but I have never actually carved a pumpkin from start to finish.

Personally I think it's kind of gross.

This is one tradition that my mother never started with us growing up,
and I never once felt bad about it!

Piper is so curious and adventurous
that I couldn't resist carving one with her this year.

At first she was just happy to have a "pun-kin".
Then appalled at the stringy guts on the inside.
Then annoyed that her sleeves were rolled up (had to roll them down).
Then too curious to pass up a chance to get dirty.
Then too dirty to go to bed without a bath!

She had fun helping with the carving,
but it was revealing the final product that was the funniest. 

I show it to her and she immediately says "cat".
Okay, so success on my end that it actually looks enough like a cat 
for a one year old to recognize!

Then I lit the candle and turned off the lights.

Piper says "Oh, Happy To!"
(Her version of Happy Birthday!)
She said this a couple of times before trying to blow out the candle through the cat!

I love my little girl!


Happy with her "pun-kin"!
Unsure about the guts!!!!
Enough of the rolled up sleeves.
This is not acceptable for Piper!
Finally letting her curiosity get the best of her
and joining in the fun! 
Checking to see if it's scraped out enough!
"Happy To. Happy To"

Funny Story:
Yesterday evening Piper and I went out on the deck to play on her slide while her daddy was barbecuing. Miss P was having a grand time, but when ever her daddy opened up the bbq lid, she wanted to be standing at the top of her slide watching. After watching closely for a little while, she started singing her "Happy To. Happy To" song. I couldn't figure out what she was doing at first and laughed at her. I told her that daddy was barbecuing burgers and not cakes! Silly me! It wasn't the burgers that she was singing to, it was the flames of the bbq. I only figured it out when some grease/fat caught fire on the grill and Mark leaned over to blow it out. That's when Piper immediately starting singing "Happy to" again! It's always a party at our house!!! :-)

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