Friday, 18 October 2013

Backwards Crib

Two nights ago DISASTER stuck the Lynch household!

Piper climbed out of her crib!


Our plan was to keep Piper in her crib for as long as possible
(my aim for until she turned 15, but we would have been happy with 3),
since her and the Littlest Lynch will be sharing a room.

A crib climber changes everything!

Mark and I are NOT ready to start training Piper to sleep in her toddler bed.

Panic struck us for a few hours the next day until I had a revelation!

Piper's crib is taller on the back than it is on the front.
What if we just turned the crib backwards???

Sometimes I am just so smart it's scary. lol
Until I realized that with my giant baby belly,
laying Piper into the crib may now be a very difficult task.

And it is difficult to get her in there,
but it worked. 
She can't get out now!

Woo hoo!
Throw some confetti and light some fireworks.
This mom and dad are celebrating!!!

For now.

Let's hope it stays this way for another year... or 13! ;-)


This started last week.
Throwing all of her 'friends' out of the crib and then crying for them.
Mommy's brilliant idea to solve a potentially disastrous situation!
And this is how I find Little Miss in the morning!
(No, I didn't have a guard dog watching her all night.
He just likes to be the first to greet her in the morning
and couldn't pass up the chance to be the star in the photo!)
Cuddles for Ernie and 'Dip' in her new reinforced dwelling! 

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