Saturday, 28 February 2015

Elliotte's First Birthday Party

Still recovering.

Photos coming soon!

Elliotte's very first birthday party was a success!

The guest of honor had so much fun
and so did her party guests.

There were plenty of squeals of delight
and fits of giggles.

party hats,
Who can forget the cake?

It was the perfect recipe for happy little kids.

I believe it was Jack that exclaimed it was the best birthday party ever.

I'm glad he doesn't watch TCL
to see the over the top parties some rich families throw. 

I'm happy that my kids and their friends are happy
with the simplest combination ever.

Happy Birthday Elliotte.
I hope you enjoyed your special day!


The guest have arrived. 
Nana and the birthday girl.
Little Frilly Bum chasing a balloon.
And watching a balloon floating.
While the big sisters were off doing big sister stuff,
the little sisters were paling in the toy box.

The party feast!
Mmmmmm... pizza. 
Our favorite sister friends from across the street.
Elliotte was so excited to have Sylvie and Caitlin come to her party.
Caitlin turns 2 tomorrow!
We can't wait for her party!!
The proud big sister of a one year old!
And the proud big cousin and big-brother-to-be!
Is it time for cake yet mom? 
The cake!
Elliotte wearing a very special birthday hat that was made by a dear friend in Yellowknife
for Piper's first Birthday!
"Happy Birthday to you..."
Oh wow, Mom.
All this for little ol' me?
Getting a little help blowing out her candle. 
Make a silly face everyone! 
Hey Piper!
Get a look at this cake!!!
Do you know how hyped up we can get on this
and drive Mommy and Daddy crazy?!?!?
Testing out the icing.
The traditional icing on the nose.
The first taste.
Daddy's handiwork with the camera and big sister.
No, the picture is not upside down.
Starting to get a little more brave with the icing.
And the calm before the storm. 
So we took her dress off.
(We've been here before!)
Because this is what happens to plates and food once our hungry hippo is full.
Is there anything under the plate?
Yes. A one year old!!
This is the best day ever!!!
It was a two person job (three if you count the cameraman)
to get her out of the highchair.
The careful stripdown. 
We took off her diaper,
planning to put her straight into the bathtub...
but of course there had to be poop in there.
This was the best we could do given the circumstances.
She thought it was hilarious. 
If she was a summer baby,
perhaps a hose would have been easier!
All shiny and new and ready to open presents. 
With a little help from all of her friends of course.
It started off quiet and calm.
But then she got the hang of it. 
Thank you to everyone for her lovely presents and your kind thoughtfulness.
We truly are blessed!

Friday, 27 February 2015

Happy First Birthday Elliotte Paige

I have  no idea how it happened,
but somehow my baby girl turned one year old today!

Wasn't it only last week that I brought her home from the hospital?

Oh sweet baby girl.
You have been a delight from the very first moment that you joined our family.

We love you for all of your adorableness and silliness.

I love that you love to eat.
And not just eat,
but you love to feed yourself just about anything that I put in front of you.
Now, if only we could convince you
that your left over food, water cup and plate
do NOT belong on your head once you're full. 

I love that you love to go to bed!
It's still such a pleasure to share those last moments at the end of the day
when you are fresh out of the bathtub and dressed in your cozy sleepers.
You will happily play while I prepare your bottle
and then grab for it as soon as you see that it's ready.
After the most wonderful cuddles while you drink,
you make it very clear that you want nothing other than your bed.
I love the snuggle that I steal as I carry you into your room
and lay you in your crib.
It's always the same.
Your left thumb goes in your mouth,
your right hand reaches for your sleepy blankie
and then you roll onto your belly and stick your bum up into the air.
And that's it.
You're often asleep before I leave the room.
This routine is SUCH a pleasure.
Thank you sweet sweet girl!

I also love your for being so much fun.
You are incredibly silly and love an audience for showing off.
When ever you hear music,
you instantly stop what you're doing to rock out;
head banging and all.
If you see your sister doing something silly,
you bust into fits of giggles and then cannot resist being her copy cat.
You are so good at splashing in the bathtub
that Mommy rarely escapes bath time without being dripping wet.
You laugh at anything and everything that is funny
and smile at each and every friendly face that you see,
familiar or not.

I could go on and on.
My list of things that I love about you has no end.
Your daddy, big sister and I love you to the moon and back
and feel so blessed to have shared that past year with you.

We look forward to watching you grow and grow and grow!

Happy first birthday baby girl!


The birthday girl!
Can I play with the camera now that I'm one??
Our one year old napped in the room she will be sharing with her big sister
for the first time!
The birthday girl's favorite new trick is to put things on her head!
Birthday supper.
We think her rosy cheeks mean we may be working on a fifth tooth?

It was impossible to get a clear shot of Elliotte playing with her balloon.
She was shaking it like a crazy woman!
Look who came to visit for Elliotte's birthday!!!
Helping the big kids cook dinner for the moms, dads and Nana.
Gazing out the window at all of the snow,
while having a heart to heart with her Uncle Harold.
What a treat!!!
Elliotte was fortunate enough to end her very first birthday
with Nana giving her her bottle and putting her to bed.
I'm not sure which of these two enjoyed it more!

PS. Thank you to everyone that called and sent their love and presents to our little Miss Elliotte.
She is so blessed to be surrounded by so much love in her little life!

Thursday, 26 February 2015

Quest for Sister's Sippy Cup

I don't know why,
but Elliotte LOVES Piper's water cup.

If Piper lays it down somewhere that isn't 'safe',
it will take Elliotte about 3 seconds to spy it and make a dash for it.

It's no wonder that she caught her sister's flu
a couple of weeks back.

Here she is trying to grab it again...
but she wasn't as clever as she thought she was!

Piper was loving it,
since she doesn't always want to share that cup!


The first step is to get closer to the cup.
She's too short to climb up on the bed,
so this was her clever plan.
So far so good...
And here's where her plan started to fall apart.
So close yet so far away.
And here is where the plan crumbled even more!
Uh oh!
Her big sister may be taunting her here...
Just maybe.