Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Peaceful Passengers

We lost our power at some point last night while we slept.
It probably had something to do with the 6000 centimetres of snow that fell.
(I may have exaggerated a little there,
But that's how much it felt like after I had to hoist my dog 
out of our back door and onto the snow bank on our patio. 
It felt more like 6 million centimetres after I had shovelled it for an hour!)

Anyway, our street finally got plowed around lunchtime,
and by then we were all cold and cranky,
so we decided to go for a drive to warm up.

It was the first time we were all comfortable all day.

The girls were very comfy!


This was one of the better roads on our drive!
Piper was having an exceptionally bad day today,
so we were all thankful for this!
I tried to get a good shot of another peaceful passenger,
but apparently my aim was off.
And I may have disturbed this little princess' sleep. 
Oh this sleepy face is just too much for me!
I want to kiss it off!

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