Thursday, 26 February 2015

Quest for Sister's Sippy Cup

I don't know why,
but Elliotte LOVES Piper's water cup.

If Piper lays it down somewhere that isn't 'safe',
it will take Elliotte about 3 seconds to spy it and make a dash for it.

It's no wonder that she caught her sister's flu
a couple of weeks back.

Here she is trying to grab it again...
but she wasn't as clever as she thought she was!

Piper was loving it,
since she doesn't always want to share that cup!


The first step is to get closer to the cup.
She's too short to climb up on the bed,
so this was her clever plan.
So far so good...
And here's where her plan started to fall apart.
So close yet so far away.
And here is where the plan crumbled even more!
Uh oh!
Her big sister may be taunting her here...
Just maybe.

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