Sunday, 8 February 2015

Rapunzel and Sleeping Beauty

We have a sick little girl.

I cannot remember the last time that Piper has fallen asleep
somewhere other than her bed.
But she did just that yesterday afternoon. 

I knew she was feeling unwell,
so when she asked to watch the Rapunzel movie after refusing lunch,
I was happy to oblige.

It wasn't long before she was sound asleep on the floor.

She's feeling even worse today.

And what's her little sister up to? 

No good as usual.

Because Piper has a runny nose,
I placed a box of tissues next to her bed.

In the morning, as I took Piper to the potty,
THIS is what Elliotte discovered...
and very much enjoyed!


Our sleeping beauty "watching" Rapunzel.
So sweet yet so sad at the same time.
So sweet yet so bad at the same time. Ha!
And she totally knows it!
Just being silly. She thinks it's hilarious to put things on her head now!
Catching Elliotte with the box of tissues was a complete déjà vu moment for me.
Remember this post from December 23rd, 2912?
Strangely enough, Piper was 11 months and 11 days old when I posted this.
Yesterday, when I actually caught Elliotte doing this (I swear I didn't stage it),
Elliotte was 11 months and 11 days old!

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