Thursday, 12 February 2015

Still Sick Sisters

Very slowly,
yet very surely
we are all getting better.

It has been a miserable week for us,
but we are very thankful that the worst seems to be over.

Piper still isn't eating,
but she'll get there.

Elliotte is eating lots,
but she's sliming everything in my house,
including ME!
I want to wrap myself and all of my furniture in saran wrap!!

Oh well.
It just means that Spring cleaning will have to come early
and all of the couches, chairs and ottomans will have to be scrubbed
before I can open the windows and enjoy fresh air while I do it. 

I'm sure there will be something else to clean when Spring arrives. 

I'm really really proud of Piper
for how she behaved at the hospital on Monday.
For someone that was so miserable,
she was a real lille trooper.

The only time she really cried
was when the put the anti-nausea wafer under her tongue.
Hilarious given the other things that they did to her.

The blood work was a piece of cake.
Piper didn't even cry.
When it was over she asked me if it pinched. 
I told her that it didn't pinch me,
but did it pinch her.
She simply stated yes.
And that was all that was to it.
She was more concerned with the fact that she wasn't given a bandaid.

If you have never taken your three year old for a chest x-ray,
you may not realize that the contraption that they use to do it is awful!
I had no idea.
I thought she would lay on a table for the X-ray,
but no.
She was strapped into this awful contraption with her entire body restricted.
I can completely understand why it needs to be done this way,
but I'm glad that neither Piper nor I knew what was coming.

I think Piper was too sick and surprised to resist too much.
I was afraid she would see the horror on my face
at the thought of being confined like that. 

Thankfully the technician working that night was amazing
and she allowed me to stay with Piper and hold her hands through the whole thing.
It was not what I had envisioned.

Even when I was sitting Piper on the "table"
I just thought that her feet would dangle in through the holes.
Without me even realizing what was happening,
the technician gave Piper a push 
and BAM,
she was all the way down through the table
and then the plastic walls were wrapped around her to restrict her movement.

This makes me so incredibly thankful to have healthy children.

To all of the families out there who have sick children
that live in or frequent hospitals...
my heart goes out to you!


Mark is the only one who has evaded the flu in our house.
He could not, however, evade flu cuddles that led to flu naps,
while mommy cooked supper.

Here's a photo of what the contraption for the X-Ray was like. This is NOT Piper, but it looks the same as when she had her X-ray. 
Front view. 
This chubby baby doesn't seem to mind, but I think I would have!
Piper was too sick to care. Gasp!

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