Sunday, 28 February 2016

Birthday Pancake Breakfast

How great was it that our little community
hosted a pancake breakfast at our recreation centre
on the morning of Elliotte's birthday??

Not only was it fun to go there and treat the kids
(and ourselves)
but since Krista and her family were visiting,
it meant a free breakfast out
and no dishes to clean up afterwards!!

The kids loved it!

After they ate,
Mark and Elliotte took Piper to ballet.
Krista and her family ran some errands for me
and I went home to finish decorating for the party.

As usual, 
I was still running around trying to finish up the last minute things
when the first guests arrived, 
but they didn't seem to mind. 

What a great birthday for our littlest lady!


These two little charmers were happy breakfast dates!
An un-candid shot of the Martin family.
With the exception of Mark taking a short nap for this photo,
it was such a lovely way to start celebrating Elliotte's special day. 

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