Saturday, 20 February 2016

No Photo

I don't actually have a photo today.

I always have photos!
I usually have a backlog of photos that I'm trying to use up.
Not this week.

Piper and Elliotte are feeling a lot better,
but Piper is waking up coughing at night and can't stop.
Last night her coughing fit lasted from 1:00-5:00.
She was in my bed with me the whole time 
and just couldn't stop coughing.

The lack of sleep is making this mommy cranky!

Tomorrow there will be photos!

For now, I'll post a photo from a year ago.

It's so amazing how much they grow in one year!


What's this little one up to?
Ahhh, trying to steal her sister's water cup!
Falling through the box was not part of the plan.
The cup is safe in it's rightful owner's hands!

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