Sunday, 1 December 2013

A Hungry Polar Bear


A polar bear came to our house
and ate Ernie and 'Dip'.

Whatever shall we do!

Miss Piper is always up to something. 
Here are a couple of my favourite stories of her
from the past week!

1. One day, while Mommy was at the hospital having another ultrasound, Piper stayed home and had a date-day with Daddy. She decided to throw a full-throttle tantrum, which lasted for an eternity (according to Daddy). Later that day, after all had settled down and Mommy was back home, Daddy had to leave to run a few errands. As he was leaving, he leaned over to give Miss P a kiss and said, "See ya later Cranky Pants". This is when Piper looked up at him with her big blue eyes and said, "I love you Daddy"!!!! Ohhhh yes. She is only one year old, but she already knows how to work her daddy so that his heart melts in seconds. 

2. Our classy little lady is always full of surprises. One evening, after having her favourite lunch of beans with bread, Piper passed gas. LOUDLY! She stopped what she was doing and looked at me asking "What's that?". I laughed and said that her bum made a noise. She responded by saying, "Yes. Silly Bum. More noise bum?!" And proceeded to walk around for a while afterward asking her bum to make more noise. Sigh! SUCH a little lady!!


You can take a Polar Bear out of the North,
but you can't take the North out of the Polar Bear!

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