Tuesday, 3 December 2013

"Pumpkin-ing" the Floor

Daddy bought new socks last week.

Mommy is about to ban them from our house!!

There have never been so many woolies come off of socks
ever before in history.
AND we have light coloured carpet.

Today even Piper looked at the floor on Daddy's side of the bed
and exclaimed "MESS"!
She wanted to sit and pick each wooly up by hand,
but I explained to her that there is a much faster way to clean up this mess.

"The vacuum," says mommy.
"Pumpkin?" says Piper.
"Yes, the vacuum," says mommy.

Piper runs to the hallway closet,
opens the door and exclaims, "Pumpkin"!
She then helped me push it into the bedroom
to clean up the mess. 

That's when her daddy walked in and offered to help.
Of course, little Miss had to have her hand in on it as well.

I REALLY hope she still likes cleaning this much when she's sixteen!


Normally she's afraid of the vacuum,
but I guess a chance to clean up the mess of woolies
was too good to pass up!
Piper, I WILL show you this post when you're sixteen
and not wanting to help out around the house!!!!

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