Wednesday, 4 December 2013

My New Friend

As you all know,
we moved to PEI a few months ago
and sadly left all of Piper's little friends behind.

I was devastated to leave my own friends,
but taking Piper away from a wonderful group of buddies
was also really hard for me.

So you can imagine my delight to find out 
that the lady across the street
has two little girls. 
Sylvie is about 10 months older than Piper
and Caitlin is about 14 months younger.

Our Littlest Lynch will then be 
12 months younger than Caitlin.
It's almost too good to be true.

What's even better is that Piper LOVES the girls!
She can't wait to have playdates with them
or to meet them at the pool for a swim.

I am so thankful!
AND their mom is lovely.
A lovely Newfie to boot!

even though I am still sad to have left
 our Yellowknife friends behind,
we are SO grateful for the new friends that we've made 
here in PEI already!


Two new little friends watching Dora together and eating grapes.
(Piper has her swollen bloody lip here from her face-plant at the mall!)

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