Saturday, 17 October 2015

Ballet and Birthdays

What a fun Saturday today turned out to be.

Not only was it ballet day,
but straight afterwards, 
we rushed of to the birthday of a little girl in our playgroup.

Ballet is always a highlight for Piper. 
She is the first one in the door
and is usually vibrating with excitement. 

Elliotte gets stuck hanging out in the hallway with mommy.
The last two weeks haven't been so bad though,
since the eight year old big sister of a little girl in Piper's dance class
has really taken a liking to our little Elliotte.

Last week she sat and read Elliotte's books to her.
This week she came prepared with her iPad.
She was so kind and sweet as she sat and showed Elliotte
how to play some games and let her watch a show.
Elliotte cuddled up next to her and didn't make a sound 
for the entire time.

Yea for mommy AND for Elliotte!

Then it was off the the birthday party.

Both girls were sweating from running around
and having so much fun.
There was pizza, cake, balloons and friends.
The perfect recipe for happy happy kiddos!

I think Elliotte was asleep before we even pulled out of the driveway 
when we were leaving. 


I was too busy chasing the two girls to take any photos myself,
but I managed to steal these from a friend.
I think it's funny that my girls spend SO much time playing in their own toy kitchen,
yet if we go out and there is a toy kitchen there,
that's where they will still spend their time!
Both of them!

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