Thursday, 22 October 2015

The Great Wall of Piper

When Elliotte naps,
we often find something new to do.

A few days ago,
Piper decided that she had to make a wall
that stretched from our stairs to our fireplace. 

It became a three man job,
but we got-er-done.

When we were done,
I got Piper ready and took her to preschool.

By the time she got home,
Wreck-It-Ralph had demolished the wall.

Thankfully Piper is pretty laid back about her little sister
destroying everything around her!


The wall.
As a Game of Thrones fan,
I was thrilled to help build The Wall!
Piper was pretty pleased with herself!
Elliotte is still having a rough go after receiving her 18 month vaccinations.
He's a photo of one of her injection sites.
I drew around it with a marker so that I could be sure
that it's not getting bigger.
After quietly observing me draw on her upper arm,
Elliotte pointed at her forearm and grunted,
meaning "draw here too, mom".
So I did.
She was very happy with her smiley face!

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