Wednesday, 28 October 2015

One Two Three Four

A couple of weeks ago,
Claire and I decided to take our girls on an adventure to Charlottetown.

Boy oh boy.
Were they ever excited!

We did some quick shopping in record time
and then headed to That Fun Place.

It is the ideal place for my little monkeys,
who love to climb more than anything.

A lot of fun was had by all!


A minivan full of little girls.
(You can just barely see Elliotte's hair in this photo,
but she's there!
Each little girl holding a pillow that shows their age!
I LOVE this!
In Piper's excitement at arriving at the Fun Place,
she had a little pee accident in her pants.
This NEVER happens,
so I hadn't bothered to pack a change of clothes for her.
"Lucky" for her,
Mommy had just exchanged a sweater dress (which was in the van)
and found a swim diaper in Elliotte's diaper bag.
Piper thought I was half crazy asking her to wear this,
but she didn't care as long as she was allowed to go play!

Elliotte has no fear climbing all of the big kid obstacles. 
And no fear to go down the fastest slide ever.
There is a reason they keep mats at the bottom of this crazy fast slide.
This is seriously how they land when they shoot off of the bottom of the slide. 
And of course, where ever there is a play kitchen,
you will find Elliotte.
She's cooking up a storm with Miss Caitlin here.
Elliotte and Caitlin.
In this photo, they are the same ages
 that Piper and Sylvie were
when they first met after we moved to PEI.
We thought they were such big girls.

Piper and Sylvie when they were 1 and 2 years old.
They were THAT small?


  1. Such lucky moms with four darling girls.

    1. I agree, Marie! We couldn't possibly want anything more. :-)
