Thursday, 29 October 2015

Soccer Starlette

I'm pulling a "Throwback Thursday",
since I haven't uploaded any new photos to my computer 
over the past couple of days.

Here are a few photos that were missed over the summer.

Piper was in an Active Start program, 
which is essentially an introduction to sports.
Mostly little games with soccer balls and t-ball.

To be entirely honest,
Piper didn't really like it.
She wanted me to hold her hand and stay on the field with her
the entire time.

That would be fine 
if I didn't also have Elliotte to chase.
Mark works a lot,
so I'm most often on my own with the two of them,
making this program less successful for us
than we had hoped.

In the end, 
I'm at least glad that Piper was exposed to the sports
and it may help her to be more comfortable playing next year.
The fact that we only paid $25 for the season
was also helpful.

She was awarded a medal at the end of the summer.
(They all were.)
Unless she was given the medal
for the kid that spent the most time in Mommy's arms?!

When I signed Piper up for ballet,
I was worried that she'd have the same reaction.
Since ballet costs a lot more than $25, 
I was even hesitant to sign her up.

Thankfully it's the opposite.
Piper is the first one in that studio once the door is open!

Our family's first little ballerina!


Piper has a love of shoelaces and making intricate designs with them.
Daddy has less of a love for this,
as he's trying to get out of the door to go to work,
only to find his boots looking like this!
Piper receiving her medal at Active Start.
Showing it off.
Happy little family.
Her team celebrated with white and black cupcakes.
It could not have been a parent that decided on black icing. 

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