Saturday, 3 October 2015

Ladybug Ladies

I'm all caught up on the Newfoundland photos.

There were a few others that I had hoped to use,
but they didn't make the cut due to them being blurry
or my children looking rather disheveled. 

I will now concentrate on catching up on all of the photos
that I've taken since returning to PEI almost a month ago.

These photos were taken a day or two before Piper started Preschool.

A fun day at the horse races with her friend
before their big day at school.


At the races!
Little ones spying something interesting. 
It's a ladybug!
A stroll home after a day at the races. 
Elliotte missed the races because of nap time,
but she didn't miss out on playing with bugs.
Caterpillars are really really funny, in case you didn't know!

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