Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Dora Part Dos

Here are the other photos from the Dora show.

Good news and bad news.

Good news: I have a new camera!! A really good one!

Bad news: I don't know how to use this wonderful camera just yet!

During the show we were permitted to take photos,
as long as we didn't use a flash.

Without using the flash, I haven't yet figured out how to focus my camera
in dim lighting.
This meant that there was enough light to take photos of the stage and show,
but not enough to take photos of my girlies while they were watching the show.

I got some before shots of my girls and then some of the show.
That will have to do. 

I know Piper will be more interested in seeing photos of Dora and Boots
than she will be of herself anyway. 


As we were approaching the Confederation Bridge to go to Moncton,
it was cool to see that the top of it was lost in the clouds! 
This little monkey was super excited to play on the stairs before the show started. 
Mommy, why does Daddy keep chasing me?
We were seated in the front row of the balcony,
so Piper was excited to have a "front row view" from her seat.
Of course her besties had to come with us and had a front row seat as well.
Thankfully I didn't have to pay for their seats. Ha!
The theater was beautiful.
This was a shot of the ceiling. 
The ladies.
Daddy and his girls.

And just a few photos of the show! Piper's world was rocked!!!

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