Friday, 3 April 2015

Fred Penner's Place

Nanny and Poppy Lynch have gone back to Newfoundland,
but we still have a few lingering photos to share!

These are from the first night of their visit. 

We went to see FRED PENNER.

I was obviously more excited than Piper,
since she had no idea who he was,
but she had heaps of fun anyway.

As soon as he started playing his guitar and singing,
Piper climbed out of her chair and started dancing.
Spinning is Piper's dance of choice,
so there was lots of that,
but there were some wiggles in there too.

And after every song that he sang,
Piper would take a bow.

I'm not entirely sure that Piper didn't know that this wasn't HER show!

Everyone was having lots of fun
until the lighting crew decided to use some fancy lights
to animate the back of the stage behind Fred.

At first the lights were just solid colors,
but they changed to squiggly little lights
that for some reason,
frightened the bejeezus out of Piper.

She climbed into my arms and asked to go home.

Oh dear.

Thankfully, near the end of the show,
they switched back to solid lights and Piper had fun again.
By then she was getting sleepy though,
as was Sylive,
who was sitting next to us with her Nana.

As for Nanny Lynch,
she had fun until she nodded off.
That's what happens when your granddaughter drags you to a concert
just a few hours after you've gotten off a plane
coming from Arizona. 



Eeeek. It's Fred Penner!!!
Can you tell that it's past Piper and Sylvie's bedtime?
Bed Head!
This little one didn't miss her bedtime
and didn''t seem to be too angry at us for not taking her to the show.

If you missed the rosy cheeks on Miss Elliotte, look again. She was working hard on getting more new teeth and it paid off. Two more pearly whites arrived today. She now has six teeth on the top and two lonely teeth on the bottom. Her newest teeth are the ones on the outside of where her canine teeth will hopefully soon appear. I'm not holding my breath for those yet though. I don't think Piper got hers until she was almost two years old!!! My girls are so much better at growing hair rather than teeth!

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