Along with Elliotte's favorite trick of putting things on her head,
she also LOVES to get food to stick to her finger before she eats it.
She seriously laughs from her belly when she succeeds.
Of course, it's not just the big sister teaching the little sister tricks in this house.
After watching Elliotte stick each Cheerio to her finger before eating it,
and seeing mommy and daddy laugh at her,
it wasn't long before Piper followed suit.
The trick is to lick your finger first, so that it's wet. Then the Cheerios stick really well! |
Ah ha! Success! |
And then you eat it! |
It took a few tries before this one realized you had to lick your finger first, but after that it was all smooth sailing! |
Elliotte has officially been walking for at least a week now. She prefers walking over crawling in most cases, but not if there happens to be a stray Cheerio on the floor. It's rare, but it happens. If Blue doesn't beat Elliotte to it, she will crawl as fast as she can to get to it. Otherwise, it's all walking for this toddler. Three days ago she also started standing up without any help. The days of falling and then crawling to a chair or the wall to pull herself up to standing are over. Our teeniest family member can now just stand up and go.
And not to be out shown, Piper Cee has some pretty exciting news as well. She has been potty trained for a while now (a few accidents here and there, but very rare and nothing major), but we were never brave enough to put big girl panties on her for bedtime. She was wearing Pull-Ups to bed each night, just in case. Well that changed this week as well. Four nights in a row now, Piper has worn her big girl panties to bed and has woken up dry! Hooray!
We're so incredibly proud of our two big girls.
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