Saturday, 4 April 2015

Happy Birthday Carrot Cake

We are very thankful that Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny
are very accommodating 
to families of first responders who work shift work.

It only took one simple phone call to "that Yabbit" 
to arrange for his visit to our house to be postponed by one day
to allow Piper and Elliotte's daddy to take part in the Easter Egg hunt!

Mommy will still celebrate with the girls
by decorating eggs,
but the big hunt won't take place until Monday morning.

Last year, Piper was WAY more excited on Easter morning
than she was on Christmas morning!
I think she thanked "that Yabbit" for every egg that she found.

I'm super excited for this year.

I'm just a little worried about how I will keep Elliotte
from eating all of the eggs as she finds them!!!
Little stinker!

For now, here's a couple of photos of the carrot cake 
that Piper made for her Poppy Lynch.
She wanted candles,
so she got candles.
We even sang Happy Birthday.
Silly little girls!


Elliotte pulled out one of her hair elastics just before this photo was taken.
Can you tell? Ha!
Happy birthday dear ?
Piper getting a little help blowing out the candles.
Poppy and his "little" piece of cake.
Piper wasn't long comparing hers with his.
She was NOT impressed that hers was so much smaller.

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