Monday, 6 April 2015

Happy Easter 2015

I'm forever grateful to the Easter Bunny
for accommodating our unpredictable and scattered schedule.

Piper and Elliotte didn't seem to mind (or notice)
that Easter came a day late this year, 
but the DID notice that Daddy was around to help celebrate.


Who needs the Easter Bunny when your grandparents, great grandparents,
aunts, uncles and cousins send you all of this great stuff?
What happens when the Easter Bunny comes to your house a day late?
He has extra time on his hands,
so spends a little time playing with your blocks before hiding the chocolate eggs.
Ahh, he finally stopped playing and hid some eggs.
Here's Blue.
Showing incredible restraint.
He didn't touch a single egg,
but he really wanted to!
Elliotte with her basket.
The morning started off with Piper taking a solid few minutes
to decide which Easter basket she would use
and which she would give to Elliotte.
I think we'll buy matching baskets next year!
Someone remind me please! 

Of course, once Piper discovered the Easter bonnets,
she had to wear hers for the rest of the hunt!
Piper was adamant to share every egg with her little sister.
Sounds nice, but not so much when little sister was trying to put every egg into her mouth,
foil and all!
While Piper hunted for the chocolate...
... Elliotte discovered the presents! 
And the bonnets!
Elliotte found this egg all by herself!! 
Hunting together. 
And the loot.
Piper was excited for the chocolate eggs.
Elliotte was excited to break open the plastic eggs,
which were filled with socks and little wash cloths. :-)

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