Thursday, 9 April 2015

Just Peachy

Once again Piper received a special prize in our mailbox.
Our post masters really are the best.

Even Blue gets a treat when he walks to the post office with us.

Elliotte was receiving gifts even before she was born.
Whenever baby samples arrived at the post office
that we're addressed to people that had moved,
the post masters saved it for me... or Elliotte really!

So kind!

Piper try's her best to let them know how grateful she is for their kindness.
She has delivered homemade cinnamon buns and cupcakes 
when we've made them.


An Easter treat from the post master.
Piper spied the treat! I think she was pleased.
Elliotte wasn't there to get the treat, but she didn't mind.
She was too busy perfecting her favourite trick of putting things on her head.
She really is getting good at this.
Getting her water cup to stay on her head is the most impressive object yet. 
She try's with most everything!

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